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RSS AmbitiousKid

Reward Points:6
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

I think Lady Gaga is better - at least on the creative part. She is the most artistic singer right now! I love them both, but Gaga impresses me way more.

1 point

I definitely do not think pop makes our culture less creative! We are all different, and like different things, same comes to music. Today's pop is a kind of art. It may not always content real instruments, but the music is done by tones and sounds that are put together so it sounds good. I call that art to. There's no rule that music should be created from a string on a guitar. It can also be done with electronic sounds. They put it together like a puzzle to create a new melody, and I think that that's music too. Pop is a creative style of music like any other style.

1 point

Without a planet with healthy environment, we cannot survive. We can't eat, drink or breathe money. Environment needs to be saved first, period.

About Me

"Don't say a bad word about Michael Jackson, or else..."

Biographical Information
Gender: grrrl
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Libertarian
Country: Sweden
Religion: Protestant
Education: High School

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