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Reward Points:21
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

I'm talking about a person "being" whatever the hell they wanna be

Murderers, rapists and child molesters want to be murderers, rapists and child molesters. You want them reading to your kids at the library?

1 point

Who said he fled? His main home is in Florida. And by your logic, the left is ignoring the Constitution via sanctuary cities. Or that isn't your logic, and Florida is simply a sanctuary area where federal law doesn't apply, and Trump can stay there safe from anything that tries to intrude on said sanctuary. Of course you have no principles, so you're okay with sanctuary areas when it suits your feelings, and you're against them if they don't. You can stop citing the Constitution now seeing we both know you turn the Constitution on and off like a light switch depending on whether it agrees with you or not. (/,House" during his presidential tenure.

1 point

If it's "foreign disinformation", why is Hunter Biden going after those who made "his information" public and has never once denied any of it?

And why aren't you showing the same concern that you would if he wasn't a Democrat?

2 points

Fact is, an elderly person CAN decide for himself to commit suicide..

Not for long. Pretty soon we will decide for you. Why does anyone need to live beyond a productive age? Don't be selfish. This is about us not you. You had your turn.

1 point

In several European countries, they are talking about it already. What use is an old person? They can't contribute anything to society other than being a burden. They've lived their life, and it is now time for them to move over for the next generation.

1 point

If you "use it on the elderly," you will be charged with murder.

As an older person, you have a duty to die so that you won't be a burden on your family or the taxpayer or the system. It's not about the individual. You have to do your part for the group.

-1 points

There's just people tearing their hair out cause they hate anything that isn't like them..

You are not and have not ever been a Jew. If you were really a Jew, you would provide for the site a family tree linking you back to Jews and not monkeys. You cannot do that because there is no family tree to show us. You are related to the Perazine apes found only in a small area in Asia minor. They are your father's and no one else.

-5 points
-1 points

You are old, therefore you really are just a parasite on our world. Our side is creating euthanasia programs for those who are too old to function at a high capacity. You should turn yourself in and do what needs to be done for the good of society and the world. In fact, I demand you do it. Canada already has ways in place for you.

Medical assistance in dying could reduce annual health care spending across Canada by between $34.7 million and $138.8 million, exceeding the $1.5–$14.8 million in direct costs associated with its implementation. In sensitivity analyses, we noted that even if the potential savings are overestimated and costs underestimated, the implementation of mdedical assistance in dying will likely remain at least cost neutral. assistance in dying could,costs associated with its implementation.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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