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RSS ArizaZh

Reward Points:25
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Unfortunately, I have never been in love with someone. May be because of that I am so sceptic about Romeo and Joulet...I can not kill myself, because my love died. Of course it is very difficult, but our life goes on and we should be strongly!

1 point

I am absolutely disagree of spanking!

I think that it will be better ot tell your child how he should behave himself.

If you can not e[plain your child in that way he understand his mistake, it is your mistake!

1 point

I do not think that competition between students is a good thing, because it is very stressfull for them. As we know all people want to be best (most of us). It is not correct to make them such as enemies, moreover it will be better if students will help to each other.

1 point

I think that it is important in some cases. People, who do not look for fashion, is not interested in what is happening in the world. Fashion is one branch of art, isn't it?

The best way of having a best look is wearing clothes which is suitable to you. Of course, it shouldn't be the main part of your life, but it anyway.

1 point

By spoiling their children, parents give them the chance to make and realise their mistakes, in contrast with strict parents. After making some of them children beigin to look at the issue more attentively!

1 point

I absolutely agree with you!

I think, everybody wants to be independent and do what he or she wants.

Usually, men afraid of having lower salary than his wife. Because of that he limits her opportunity to do it.

1 point

On the other hand, there are a lot of entertainment and shopping malls in the city. You can easily go to place you need.

1 point

I agree that air contamination is one of the main reasons why people live outside. We have a lot of desieses because of that. It is clear that people who live outside are more heathy, in contrast with those who live in the city.

1 point

I absolutely agree with my friend about using biological petrol. Hopefully, people around the world will use it and think about our generation. I am not sure that it will happen, because of the critical situation of air pollution. Unfortunately, nowadays, people became very selfish =(

1 point

On the other hand, children with strict parents, who limit everything became shy and have low self-esteem. They afraid to make mistakes, because of that sometimes do not take part in some competitions.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Tied Positions: Outside vs. Inbetween
Winning Position: Strict Parent Raise Better Kid

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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