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RSS AshleyA

Reward Points:1
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3 points

Thomas Jefferson inspired those around him and those who followed in his footsteps and thats why I believe that he left a more lasting effect on America then Alexander Hamilton did. Other than being the writer of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wanted to lower the voting qualifications, protect individual rights, and help the French in their war against the British. To lower the voting qualifications means to allow everyone, no matter who you are, to vote if you're over a certain age. This would make everyone equal and create more of a democratic government, run by the people. Thomas Jefferson also trusted the people and valued their opinion, other than Alexander Hamilton who believed that common people acted foolishly and that the government should be run by the wealthy, in more of a British system of government. Even though Thomas Jefferson distrusted the wealthy, he still believed in the common people and that everyone one should have the right to vote which is an important thing in our society today. Thomas Jefferson also wanted to protect the individual rights of the citizens. This is important because if he did not do this, then we might not have the same rights that we do today. He accomplished this by writing the Declaration of Independence and having input on the Bill of Rights. This has left an everlasting effect on America and is one of Thomas Jefferson's biggest achievements. As Jefferson says, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". Jefferson also believed that America should support the French in their war against Britain. This is good because the French helped us in the revolutionary war, so we should help them back. By helping the French we could have also gained other international allies. Jefferson was remembered for his caring attitude and how he treated others with respect and love. I believe that Jefferson left an everlasting impact on America because he was an ingenious man who believed in lowering the voting qualifications, protecting America's individual rights, and helping the French win their war against the British.

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