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Reward Points:2
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2 points

The answer is so obvious. Teachers should let everyone exercise so they can strengthen their mussels and get thinner and more flexible instead of fatter and more lazy so they won't get bullied as much.

3 points

If you do PE regularly, you will get a much healthier body. Which means that you will look better, which will boost your self confidence and you'll feel better. So therefore you will achieve better, and that will increase your self esteem even more, so you will get good marks in school and get a good job so you will do well in life. If you don't do PE regularly, then your body will become more overweight, so your self esteem will get lower and lower until you will be too self conscious to go out in public, and to try new things, so basically you won't be able to enjoy life. Whereas people with healthier bodies ill be able to do those things without feeling scared that people will comment about their weight. So therefore if PE is compulsory, then everyone will be able to go out and face the world without worrying about what everyone else thinks about you.

Usually overweight or small weak kids are the ones who hate PE. But if they get fitter and stronger then they'll grow to love PE which makes it a whole lot easier for them to do it more at home instead of lounging around being lazy, not bothering to do exercise. And when they grow up, they'll encourage their kids to love and do PE so they don't get teased at school. We are the top third obese country in the world, and with our growing population of around four and a half million, 55% of them are obese. 25% adult, 30% children. That's a lot of overweight young people, which are almost always the main target for bullying in the schools. There is also the small and weak kids, who can't defend themselves. But if there is PE in all schools, the obese youngsters will have less fat and more mussel, and the weak ones can build up mussel.

Some overweight girls will try on cool clothes but decide that they look bad, because most of the clothes that girls like wearing are tight and thin so they can't wear them because their too self conscious about their extra fat. So they'll be stuck in baggy old-fashioned clothes that will make another excuse for teasing and bullying. But regular exercise will make them look much better and healthier so they'll actually fit into the clothes that they like.

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