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Reward Points:28
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

What kind of a question is that?!?!?!?!?! Kids under the age of 18 should NOT be under the influence of drugs. All it would do would create a SODA-OVER-THE-COMPUTER effect on your brain!

1 point

Where's your proof that ALL people are afraid? There current nuclear energy facilities that do that, and we're fine.

1 point

According to US World News and Report, fossil fuels are ample enough to last us 200 years. Fossil fuels are also cheaper, are doing amazing in generating electricity throughout the nation (About 65% of the US's electricity is powered by fossil fuels, such as coal), and coal mining, oil mining, etc. helps for a better economy, since the one we have currently sucks. So, you can see that life does not revolve around renewable energy.

1 point

Fossil fuels are the answer to all energy accounts because it does less damage to the environment than renewables do, its economically feasible, and it is ample enough to last 2 centuries. Fossil fuels are the key.

3 points

Fags, or a more sensitive term, gays should not be sentenced to death because they did nothing wrong in society to deserve such a horrid punishment. Gay people are fighting for their rights to be looked at as equal as any person you see. Black people were called negros, and look at Pres. Obama right now. Even James Dean, an amazing icon in entertainment and music, was proven gay in a recent novel published out today. Gay people are people too, no matter what anyone says.

1 point

Lady Gaga is not a whore because she works immensely hard for what she does and she is viewed as an icon through the eyes of many people. People have made Gaga outfits for Halloween (including myself) and everybody thinks she is a great person for:

Writing music for her faithful fans

Being an influence for gay rights and anti-bullying

Showing that being enthusiastic about what you love, even if it involves crazy up-dos and wacky clothes, is just who you are. If anyone fights against it, screw them for that!

And finally, she puts on a heck of a performance for EVERYONE, not just her monsters.

In conclusion, shown by statistics and observational evidence, Lady Gaga is not a whore.

1 point

Nuclear energy is the energy formed from the nucleus of an atom. The waste it emits can be stored in a facility that keeps it from harming the environment. Really, once you look at the statistics, nuclear energy isn't all that bad.

2 points

Oh, and by the way, I was just kidding about the world will end in 2012. Take a joke for once, geez.

2 points

And Gir can sing!!! He is adorably and is an optimist in every situation!


GIR: Yay! We're doomed!

Isn't that the kind of attitude everyone would prefer? Long live GIR!!!

2 points

Well, according to, the gas that coal emits can easily be taken out of the process of generating coal into electricity.

Plus, where are all your facts, mister? I got my facts from credited sources, yet you have no proof!!!!

Displaying 5 most recent debates.

Winning Position: What Are Some Problems With Renewable Energy???
Winning Position: No, other things should be.

About Me

"I have these AWESOME debate classes, so I thought this would be a good way to practice debate!"

Biographical Information
Name: Emma Rad
Gender: Girl
Age: 27
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States

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