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RSS Bakulia455

Reward Points:19
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

Children also people, they must learn to live. if they do not learn autonomy in school , then when? It is life and your way. Also i think that children don`t listen advises of their parents or adult`s.They just want to be free and make the decisions by themselves. And life in the school help them to be ready and learn something new everyday.

It is you said that the school does not teach how to make money. But schools teach children how to spent and value a money, because there is a subjest that call "Low" where you can read about money, ecnomics and famous people`behaving.

Achieving drems it depends only of your own willpower. In addition, in schools, pupils read different works of great authors. I think it is inspires them to the deeds and the pursuit of a dream. So` each people will try as it is possible to achieve dreams.

In my point of view, сonversely schools teach us to enjoy every detail as the assessment. You feel glad that today won`t be a lesson or that you don`t need to do a homework. It is happiness!

There is so many reasons that show that the school is prepare us for future life.And we can be sure that after school we will have a wealth of experience and knowledge that will help later in life

1 point

Yes we have such kind of expression, but people will understand all the problems only through their experience. You must understand yourself and understand what to do and how to behave.

I think teachers can`t talk with pupils about life, bacause children do not perceive their information. Сhildren usually just listen to the lesson and nothing more. It is normall, because they came to learn something new about subjects.

Some teachers try to care about pupls. However it is not good for them. They have their own life and teachers shouldn`t interfere in lives. And also i think that teachers don`t have to do it. In my opinion, a person does not need think about someone's problem it has its own`s.

I don`t agree with you, because ischools have influence on children,their lives` and prepear them for real life.

1 point

I disagree with you, because No one can teach a person to solve his or her problems. It is your own life, your own way, your own destiny and your own choice. Different kinds of problems are part of life which makes you stronger and more experienced. And you must to solve them with yourself. Of course you can ask for advises from other peoples, but those advises may simply not be appropriate for your situation.

I think this is not the responsibility of teachers to give advice about the family for students. Moreover, in case of problems the student may apply to the school psychologist and he is sure to help him cope with difficult situations (quite Privacy).

Yes, schools don`t tech how to earn money. However schools are not provided in order to teach children how to make money .To earn money person must to go to university. School created to give the child a basic knowledge of world geography, mathematics, biology, sociology, history and etc. These knowledge children will continue at the university that will help them earn money. And children who have a difficult financial situation, and have no higher education still cannot get highly paid jobs. For instance, they can work as waiters, cashiers and etc. These works do not require special education. Many students in the U.S. and other countries earn their money with this ways.

Of course, you can find friends in different places, countries, but friends from school are usually for whole your life. You spend a lot of time with them, you learn with this people for 11 years. They know your character, your family, you behavior. They will support you in any situations.

So, as we can see school can prepare you to life=)))

1 point

I think school can prepare people to life, because schools are one of the lessons of life. In school, you are not only study subjects as mathematics, geography, language, biology and etc. which broadens the mind, you also form your personality. Schools taught to respect elders, be polite, do the job on time and be punctual (because the school usually starts at 8:30). You spend time with different kinds of people for 11-12(in some countries) years. I think it is good experience for each people. In schools you can see different situations, different sides of people. You can consider people`s behavior and learn how to behave in some situations. Also, you will know the true friendship that will last a long time. Moreover, usually at school people meet their first love and sometimes even marry them=)

1 point

Yes technologies made our life easier, but the work leaves much to be desired. For example,many years ago people washed clothes by hands and clothes were fresh and clean, but now, in washing machines, which can not wash the stains. Mobile phones,microwaves and a lot of different machines, are causes of cancer. People become addictive of computers and internet, that leads to different diseases like spinal curvature,blurred vision and even to death.

In case we haven`t had so many technologies we won`t need machines that will save our life from diseases. Because all this machines are cause of poluted air and environment. For example, people just throw gadgets that had broken down and increasing number of technological machines in our environment is growing every day.

And according to religion, this progress lead our world to disasters. All this high-tech technologies, robots, smart machines are signs of doom.

Also this technoligies made our life so easy so we don`t need to do anything. So people become lazy and don`t think about anything. People on they way of degradation.

As we can see as technologies developing we have more and more problems and diseases. People should stop this meaningless developing and think about life.

-3 points
2 points

Children who growing up in the village grow in a healthy atmosphere. They use an unmodified, natural, organic food, since most families keep livestock, are farmers and vegetable production. While in meat, poultry are supplied with a factorization Farms. In addition, the children keep their own farm, doing manual labor being long in the fresh air, they grow strong, seasoned, strong and hard-working as opposed to urban children who spend all their time at home sitting in front of TV or computers.

1 point

But in the villages, though not in such great quantities as large cities but also have mugs, rural houses of culture, or clubs where kids can learn to sing, chess,dance,and rural children have a huge advantage in that the environment in which they live is much cleaner than the cities. There are no factories, a lot of cars that pollute the air, water, causing damage to the wildlife. Thus children in the villages of fresh air and less subject to diseases of the respiratory tract. That is growing healthier.

2 points

State pays great attention to the level of literacy in the villages and therefore they emit grants and benefits to rural children for admission to higher education. So they can get a university education. Also young professionals who have studied and returned to the village of rental housing is allocated.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: High school is not able to prepare students for real life.
Winning Position: Create new technologies

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