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RSS Bbrown

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
2 points

Technology access is definitely an issue that we need to explore. With the help of head phones in class, that should not be a problem. Additionally, a teacher could play the video on a power point projector and provide small groups with their own group laptop to still have the opportunity to replay, ec. We can also encourage students to get library cards, etc. also to help solve this issue and give students multiple nights to complete video assignments.

1 point

I currently work at a project-based, arts integrated school. Our lessons currently operate in a workshop model. There is a 10-15 min mini lesson. The mini lesson is followed by approx. 45 min of work time where students are completing activities that reinforce the mini lesson which includes catch and release. At the end of the work time, there is a reflection. While I do not think direct instruction for the majority of class is particularly effective, the days of 45 minute lectures should be over especially for K-12 students. However, I believe that flipped classrooms use work time and that is what really makes it an effective practice. Students will need an adjustment period as well as teachers; however, I feel that the emphasis on more practice time is why discipline issues and failures decreased ("The Flipped Classroom").

The Flipped Classroom allows for differentiation through being able to pause and rewind (Bergmann et. al, 2012, n.p.). Also, it connect students to the world wide web. Also real learning can happen when classrooms become laboratories, workshops, and stages. Overall, I think that flipping classrooms are beneficial. However, I am not certain if the success that flipped classrooms comes from the at home time or the exposure to hands on activities, etc. in class.

Brittany Brown



Bergmann, J., & Sams, A. (2012). Why you should flip your classroom. In Flip your classroom: Reach every student in every class every day (pp. 19–33). Washington, DC: International Society for Technology in Education. Retrieved from

The Flipped Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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