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10 most recent arguments.

Education abroad really has better results (most likely). Especially if your hometown has a poor education system.

Of course, only abort if necessary. Countries with a quickly growing population but only have a small territory should really consider this, if all else fails, such as trying to expand, etc. Couples should make sure that they only have enough children to provide for, so there won't be any poverty or famine in the place.

God didn't just poof up out of nowhere. Without Him, we wouldn't even be alive, because He created the universes, the solar system, the planets, the continents... well, you get what I mean. He wants us to have faith in Him because in the end, all the believers will just go to heaven and have eternal life while the non-believers will... according to the Bible, go to eternal death (Hell). :(

Nope. Torturing people for info is a risky way to get answers. It may also be useless because what if their info are wrong? Plus, you may just end up getting in trouble or arrested at the end. ;|

True. My mom and dad always say not to fear death because if you trust in Him, you will have eternal life.

Not forever. We just don't KNOW when He'll return. When Christ comes down on Earth (the Rapture), it is said that all the believers will rise into Heaven and He'll close the sky again. The remaining people on earth will have seven years of abundance, then seven years of absolute torture; there will be no peace at all on earth.

All bullies should really be punished. Bullies abuse the rights of all people.

God created the earth and all the life in it. His Holy Book, the Bible, contains all the information you need to know. The first chapter, in fact.

Supporting Evidence: Genesis: the first Book of the Bible (

Yes. Extra-curricular activities help develop physical fitness while you are developing mental skills while studying. Balance between those two factors will help you be successful in the future.

If it really makes you develop your skills, inside and out, why not? But if is just a way for you to get separated from your family, I think that you should think again.

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Winning Position: Way too many! You should...
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved
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Winning Position: How can I create my own app for the iPad?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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