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RSS BettertonYou

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

You fill out the W-4 because you are forced to. If you don't sign up to pay taxes, you face prosecution. I don't think that taxation is theft, but it is something that people are forced into.

BettertonYou(5) Clarified
1 point

Oh boy that's longer than I thought. Sorry to everyone trying to read it.

1 point

Hulk: Although, as has been mentioned, is not technically "indestructible", has been called unkillable multiple times throughout the movies and comics. He also gets more powerful as he fights, which means he basically has unlimited power,

Vision: As I already said, he is basically Superman. He is as indestructible as any character in Marvel or DC and can become so sparse that nothing can touch him, while still being able to use powers like the Mind Stone.

Scarlet Witch: She's not allowed to be called this in MCU. However, she has telekinesis, which is only limited by how she decides to use it.

Phoenix: Another telekinetic. She's been the center of many scenes of ultimate destruction throughout the history of Marvel, and can disintegrate people instantly. Sorry, DC fans, but that includes those like Superman and Green Lantern.

Quicksilver: Even though he's not as fast as the Flash, he is still faster than any other character, and can run so fast that all other motion is negligible, as demonstrated in both the MCU and modern X-Men films. He's also immune to most things while running because he is moving too quickly for anything to affect him.

Silver Surfer: I don't know much about him, but I know he's indestructible and can fly faster than light.

Doctor Strange: I only know about the MCU version of Doctor Strange. However, in addition to being able to summon just about anything he wants from other-dimensional energy (sounds a lot like Green Lantern), he can fly, manipulate time, and place himself and others in the mirror dimension, which is impossible to get out of without being able to use a sling ring, and make them unable to affect the real world, which includes his fellow Marvel characters.

Professor Xavier: He can read and control other people's minds within his telepathic range, which, if he's in Cerebro, is anywhere on Earth. Enough said.

Wolverine: He actually is indestructible. Adamantium is stronger that MCU's vibranium and is the only indestructible material in either comic universe. His skeleton is made of it, so "ripping him in half" or "cutting off his head" is out of the question. He can heal himself, and he's been both shot in the brain and stabbed in the heart and survived. His claws are only limited by his strength.

Spiderman: He's overlooked a lot, but his spider-sense gives him the ability to avoid most danger. He's stronger than characters like the Winter Soldier, and displayed strength comparable to Iron Man. He also has webs that can restrain an enraged Hulk.

Ghost Rider: He is actually immortal. He can summon and manipulate fire, and demonstrated the ability to wield Mjolnir, raise the dead, and grow in size in the comics. His vehicles can also self-heal, which is pretty cool.

Iron Man: In the comics, he has built armor to beat just about any villain he's faced (including a Galactus [aka evil indestructible god] buster armor). Also, anyone saying that Batman could beat Iron Man doesn't know what they're talking about. Iron Man has faced off against telekinetics, gods, and Hulks, beating all of them. Batman has struggled to beat a clown in a purple suit. Additionally, Batman, as smart as he is, would not be able to hack into Iron Man's operating system. JARVIS was able to outsmart an AI that was derived from the Mind Stone, and Iron Man has operated without an operating system before.

Odin: Basically the only god in MCU, Odin is the most powerful comic book superhero in existence. The full power of his powers has never been explored, but he's never been beaten.

Magneto: Not really a villain or a hero, but has teamed up with both before. He can control metal with his mind.

Loki: He can trick anyone into believing anything and travel between realms. He can conjure weapons and armor from nothing.

These are some of the most powerful characters in Marvel comics and movies. This doesn't include all-powerful villains like Thanos or Ultron, which it really should when comparing the power of the characters.

1 point

Have you heard of Vision? Other than superhuman senses, Vision has the exact same powers as Superman. He's also connected to the entire Internet and can manipulate the density of his body, enabling him to walk through walls. He also possesses one of the six most powerful items in the universe.

1 point

Well, there could be a valid argument that such a measure would help to strengthen the character of the decadent and indisciplined American youth.

So, forcing young people to train under harsh conditions and fight, kill, and possibly even die "builds character"? Why don't we just throw them in an arena like the Hunger Games? That's basically the same environment.

the Muslim community would object violently to the move and/or join the forces to further hone their killing skills.

The Muslim community is the group of people that are suffering the most from ISIS. Most of them emigrated from the Middle East because they would have gotten slaughtered or radicalized if they didn't. I guess you are one of those idiots that thinks that all Muslims are terrorists. Are all Catholics pedophiles? Are all black people criminals? Do all gay people have HIV?

As a consequence of unrestricted immigration and a failure by successive administrations to recognize the danger which Muslims represent to the nation the character of the United States has become unrecognizable to the nation it once was in the 40s, 50s and 60s.

The reason that the United States was made was so that people who couldn't live in their home anymore a place of refuge. Have you ever seen the Statue of Liberty and the poem written on the tablet? It's a way of welcoming people who would die in their home to come to America. Why do you think that the US has no national language? It's meant to be diverse.

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