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RSS Blxchs

Reward Points:23
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

1.) What do you think of the bible?

- First and foremost, I am Agnostic; it was a long ( I guess you could say) spiritual and religious journey before I came to my current decision, I studied the bible for many years and I still do, but I disagree with the bible completely. The main reason that I strongly disagree with the bible is simply because, it's this little book that people allow to train and mold them into what is presumed to be "perfect and analytically correct" human, in a sense it almost destroys a person(s) intuition. I won't go into depth about all of the statements in the bible that I don't agree with, but I always looked at it like this, why should I spend the rest of my life reading and worshiping this book that has reasonable doubt written all over the cover.

2.) Do you believe in the Prophecy?


Blxchs(23) Clarified
1 point

"Ordinary Prejudice"

- Might you clarify to what it is that you mean by this phrase....

Quite frankly there shouldn't be any sense of familiarities or ordinances with prejudices. Why, might you ask? You're leaving a big gap open for people to believe that their preconceived thoughts about any race, culture, or ethnic category is okay simply because it's "common" to think this way, but that isn't correct nor is it okay, especially if these thoughts are false. A racists person is simply a racist there is no such thing as an "extreme racist" or "slight racist"; racism, literally speaking here has zero grey(gray) areas.

1 point

Perverts you say? What makes these Humans perverts?

This is an issue making sly comments as such is undiplomatic, there is nothing perverted about 2 people devoting their lives to each other. Would you like to know why? Simple, there is no difference in a "straight" couple getting married versus a "homosexual" couple getting married both are professing love for their mates. People tend to focus on factors that SHOULD NOT matter in the situation, if these two humans are happy then let them live a blissful life without being stripped of their confidence and humanity.

Blxchs(23) Clarified
1 point

Ha! I did read the entire comment, In fact I read everyone's comment before I insisted on adding my own thoughts to the discussion :)

1 point

So essentially you're saying just because Alchohol and tobacco, two substances that play major roles in the cause of preventable death (which is still an enormous issue in 2015) should give "you" the right to smoke marijuana freely?

Horrible decision/statement, why would you legalize or introduce a substance to people who can't even use their own discretion to not drive while intoxicated. You can't just think about yourself or in the moment understand that there will be that one imbecilic person who decides to smoke and drive, so while they are in that altered state they can simply loose control and end someone's life, now is that fair to kill someone off because you wanted to feel that instant high?

Also, once it's legalized you do understand it will come along with certain rules/laws. (i.e.) certain amount you can consume or buy, specific areas you can smoke, age restrictions, etc etc. it's not just as simple as "okay let's legalize marijuana" you have to look at the pros and cons and if you can't even do that then you aren't ready to even handle the responsibility that comes along with marijuana.

Blxchs(23) Clarified
1 point

How are atheist and theist alike, if an atheist strongly declines the existence of ANY GOD(S) where as a theist is the exact opposite because (theist) believe in one specific GOD as the creator and ruler but don't condone the doctrine of the trinity or divine revelation.

Please clarify.

Blxchs(23) Clarified
2 points

They answer you are seeking is neither, this question promotes sexism in a manner as well as biased views. In actuality male or female gender can't over-rule each other simply because each focal point that you may bring up will eventually contradict each other.

"Female is better because they give birth to babies"

Well, without male sperm how would it have been possible for that baby to even formulate. This just proves each argument you may claim, can be destructed by saying the exact opposite simply because both genders enhance each other in certain ways

1 point

Actually you're are correct, i guess I made that way too easy.

Blxchs(23) Clarified
1 point

Whose to say that the home invasion can not lead to physical harm though, which would then persuade me to use my weaponry to kill the intruder.

Blxchs(23) Clarified
1 point

"What other factors lead you to believe one should be legal and the other should be illegal?"

Where is the connection between abortion and the use of an armed force against an intruder;

If someone willingly devises a plan to come onto my property and commits a crime of theft or whatever the case may be that causes them to be an intruder I find probable cause to cease his/her actions if they are resistant to leaving my property.

Yet, a woman who has made the decision to have sex which in fact can cause pregnancies (unless her/his eggs/sperm are proven to be infertile, which doesn't apply to the situation) should suffer a repercussion for depriving the unborn child of life, that's violating or denying basic humane rights to a child that has done nothing to deserve those actions.

When your life has been put endanger to the point where you feel threatened, I completely understand and agree as to why it should be legal to allow a person(s) to use armed force to protect themselves on their own property. What I have difficulties understanding is how a woman can punish a growing child in her womb for her own actions, I find it to be cruel. The woman would face year(s) maybe less in prison whereas that child will have never seen life beyond their mothers womb.

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Name: Azia 
Gender: grrrl
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States

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