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RSS BookNerd15

Reward Points:14
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10 most recent arguments.
3 points

Okay so you think that God doesn't exist because you cannot see him or touch him. Also my faith did not just come from my family telling me that to believe in God you must have faith, my parents didn't force me to be a Christian, I chose to be a Christian by reading the Bible and personally witnessing miracles myself.

If you can't prove God doesn't exist you can't prove your brain, cold, or darkness exists either. Because darkness is merely the absence of light, and cold is the absense of heat. You say that God isn't real because you can't see him or feel him. Well you can't feel cold, you are just feeling the absence of heat.

0 points

A little odd, since life that is alien would be alien life.

To me that is not what I classified alien life, yes I know that alien means that it's foreign, but I can believe that there is plant life on other planets but not actual human like creatures. Nature may exist on other planets but I personally do not believe that dominant species can exist. Your proof isn't necessarily proof, it's more of a theory than anything else.

Why? If life evolved past bacteria here, why not anywhere else?

I personally don't believe that our life here on earth evolved, because how can something come from nothing? It just simply can't work like that.

The fact that life evolved past bacterium on this planet is, to me, evidence that similar events have transpired elsewhere.

Once again how can something come from nothing if we speak evolution here?

3 points

I believe in God but the way you are acting, is not the way a Christian would act. A true Christian wouldn't discriminate and bash other people's religions. Why do you think that people have started hating Christians? Because they are the ones discriminating other people's religions. I have many friends who are Atheists and yet do I bash their belief? No, I do no such thing as that is not right.

2 points

In my opinion as a Christian, I believe God exists. The only proof that I need to believe God exists is faith. You have to have faith in order to believe.

Yes, I know that is not scientific proof which many of you require in order to believe. Although how can you prove God doesn't exist? This debate is really opinion related.

If you want some extra proof you should watch the movie God's Not Dead.

1 point

Okay hold on, let me explain something. I believe in the possibility of there being bacterial organisms, which I didn't think would be classified as alien life, so if that is what you mean by alien life then I believe in aliens. I do not believe that a dominant species of aliens exists on any planet whatsoever. So if you can understand where I stand then maybe we actually are both believing in the same thing unless you believe in a dominant species of alien life exists.

0 points

Yes there may be bacteria of some sort, but that's not what you classify an alien. That would just some sort of bacteria like material.

1 point

But where is your proof? Sure we have millions of universes, if not billions, but how can we be sure if we have no proof? Yes they have found planets with living conditions millions of miles away the same as Earth's conditions, but if they have not found any source of living creature yet then how can we be sure of this? Where is the proof? If aliens existed wouldn't they have found a way to contact us by now?

2 points

Actually that is wrong. It is okay to date someone of a different religion than you, what you are saying is that its wrong to talk to someone who isn't the same belief as you. But if that's so, how does a non-Christian become a Christian if a Christian won't talk to them? You are supposed to treat a non Christian the same as you would any other person.

0 points

Well do we even know about the other solar systems? If we did know about them then maybe I could see the possibility of aliens existing, but as many people on the opposite side of this debate are not going by fact, but by opinion, then how true would their debates be? Yet here I am debating with facts from my knowledge. We as a world can not acurately assume that there is aliens somewhere in the universe. Not if we know next to nothing about them.

1 point

Yes technology has ruined our world, the technology of modern days, such as mobile devices and computers etc. If you pay attention you would notice that people sit in the same room as someone else and text each other, that isn't real interaction. Real interaction would be putting the phone down and verbally speaking. People rarely go outside anymore due to technology.

About Me

"Otaku, BookWorm, Animal lover, School lover,"

Biographical Information
Gender: Lady
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Canada
Religion: Christian-other
Education: High School

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