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RSS Bornkountry

Reward Points:7
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

What if the intruder did not come in for your things? Would you be able to protect your family?

2 points

Why just for a simple "Redneck" as you have stereo typed me and my fellow gun owners, I have to say your an uneducated blind, ignorant person. People have been doing evil things since the beginning of time and guess what the criminals have always been armed with weapons that match that time period. And I WILL BE AS EQUALLY OR BETTER ARMED THAN THE PEOPLE WHO WISH TO DO MALICIOUS THINGS TO MY FAMILY. I will not fight bring a kitchen knife to a gun fight."unlike you". And the right to own my firearms and my right to my second AMENDMENT was fought for by my ancestors, which probably unlike you can be traced to the revolutionary war. And who are you to reinterpret the constitution? It says what it says for a reason. Not to be ever changed by any person or government for any reason! I CONCLUDE WITH THIS STATEMENT "THE STRONGEST REASON FOR THE PEOPLE TO RETAIN THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS IS AS A LAST RESORT TO PROTECT THEMSELVES AGAINST TYRANNY IN GOVERNMENT" Thomas Jefferson. Sounds like to me he is on to something.

1 point

Your a real genius aren't you. It's people like you who will look to people like us when you need help.

1 point

What about the other half? Would you want your family in that half? Think about that.

3 points

You are completely ridiculous. When the world has no more evil people, violence, raping, murdering etc. I'll give up my defense firearms, until then I'll defend my right to have them and protect my family. Educate yourself.

1 point

You are right you are not an American so how bout this keep your uneducated baseless opinion in europe. Thanks

1 point

People like you are blind when your waiting on your alarm company to alert the police and the three guys who just broke into your home are raping your wife and hurting you family and they just killed your "guard dog" what are you going to be doing? Because I tell you what your not doing "is protecting your family"

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