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Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

The house and ONLY the house. What of the senate? OR even the EXECUTIVE?

1 point

TWO words: SUPREMACY CLAUSE! If the power to determine what is necessary and proper is given to one group? What's to say they just find it "necessary and proper" to do whatever they please? This includes STATE GOVERNMENT

1 point

How about, just hear me out, we ratify the Articles? They were made in a different time, it should just be fixed up to better suit our new nation. While I do believe that majorities could pose a problem if unchecked, part of democracy is having the ability to form a majority to have a general opinion. And on another note, a large republic is STILL able to be corrupted. You are basically running on an honor system and checks and balances to work. Men are still able to be corrupted. For instance, a member of the house could be bribed to make a single vote to change the outcome of a greatly influential bill.

2 points

Equal? Do please explain? Your powers are mostly focused in government meant to oppress the natural freedom of man! Why should a government in Washington be in charge of the government in Virginia!?

2 points

This Constitution cannot be ratified! When have you ever seen a republic of such size? It can't possibly work. The purpose of a Republic is to be properly represented in legislature. How could a politician know his constituents if there are too many to know? Even more, centralized and far away!? Blasphemy!

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