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Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

By giving up our privacy, this could potentially make terrorist and anyone who may be a danger to our country smarter in the way they act. Personally, I don't believe that it will stop anyone from hurting us because they will continue to find even sneakier ways around it and since the government would assure us that there will be national security, they may not be on-guard as they should be for terrorists, due to the fact that they think they will be seeing EVERYTHING since we would have no privacy.

1 point

We shouldn't have to give up our privacy for something that cannot be ensured. There is no definite way for the entire country to be safe, therefore, I would rather keep as much privacy as I can. Even though I may have nothing to hide, it's nice to think I can keep things to myself without having someone watching me all the time. If someone was watching me all the time I feel like I may not be my true self.

1 point

Privacy is a basic right that we all deserve. By having privacy, we are able to live our lives. We shouldn't be under the watchful eye of a "Big Brother" type because that hinders our abilities to be our true selves. Although there may be some bad people in the world, I'm sure we can still find ways to stop them.

1 point

This was a really good argument that I didn't think of before. People would change how they act due to the constant surveillance.

1 point

Nobody can ensure anything, I am sure there are hackers out there that could probably obtain that information. Although that could still happen by giving up security, we would have the access to abilities that could protect ourselves. With no privacy whatsoever we have no protection even if we aren't doing something wrong. Also, how could the government even ensure our safety? Although they may say it's safer, there are no guarantees for anything.

1 point

Personally, I don't believe that we can ensure national security. Therefore, how could we just give up our freedom of privacy to someone that cannot guarantee that absolutely NOTHING will happen to our country?

CKLARICH has not yet created any debates.

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