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RSS Caitychris

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

I was in an accident a little over a month ago. I didn't have my seat belt on. I was only going about 40m.p.h. and i hit a ditch then a bank. My face hit my steering wheel with the equivalent amount of force off me falling three stories onto my face, but hitting the steering wheel wasn't enough to completely stop me, my head then hit the windshild hard enough to bust it, I had closed my eyes when I knew I was going to wreck and upon opening them I was sitting in the back seat. I ended up with a broken jaw, 21 stitches and numerous bruises and lumps. This accident wasn't one that could've killed me, but if i had had my 3 yearr little brother in the back seat with me that day, i would've crushed him to death. If a friend had been in the passenger seat I could've broken their neck on my way into the backseat. Those of you saying that it's your decision whether or not to buckle up, well it is, but those of you also saying it only affects you are wrong.

No Seatbelt, No Excuse.
1 point

Not wearing a seatbelt threatens every life inside the car the unbelted person is riding in. If you people truly want to debate that not wearing your seatbelt can't harm others within the same vehicle as you go watch some PSAs.

no seatbelt, no excuse.
1 point

There are laws stating specific exemptions for certain people to be able to be beltless, police are among this list. seriously how many of you people have researhed anything on this?!

1 point

Wrong. One of the most common causes of child injury/fatality is from an adult being thrown into them, crushing them. These adults were usually thrown into the backseat where the children are in carseats, these kids were crushed between their carseats and the adult thrown into the back seat.

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