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RSS Camelia

Reward Points:33
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

You are right, it is understandable why the school teenager talks about struggling in this manner. He has a particular group of people around, also teenagers, and as all teenagers they have their own problems. People at this age do not think much about struggles of other people simply because at this time they face difficulties which seem to be really huge for them. A teen age is a period of time when a person searches for his individuality, trying to find answers on different quesitions. It is better to let them think that this particular age is the most complicated; finally they would grow up and perceive things in another way.

1 point

A teen age is a rather difficult period for the today's society. People feel changes, both physical and psycological. Interestingly, the data shows that contemporary teenagers suffer more than those of previous generation.

Nevertheless, it is a strange question to ask: "Who struggle most in life" . WhaT does the word "struggle" imply to?

If we look at numbers of teenagers who commit suicides or those who have to work at early age, it can be said that they face a lot of difficulties. However, the same with elderly ones or younger people. This is a life. It has good and sad moments but everyone decide himself which of them[moments] would outweight. Even Considerably.

Every person is unique and each age has different interesting aspects. Everything depends on a person, on the conditions where he lives, on the upbringing.

2 points

Yes, it is better for pupils to wear uniform because it does make everybody (ok, more or less) equal. This means that children would not worry much about their performance thus spend more time on studying. Further, each shool might have a unique uniform and that distinguishes tudents from different shools, making everybody a part of a particular big community-school.

1 point

I cannot say that my position is "Obviously No".

It should be admitted that today children are being taught computer classes since very young age at schools and some teachers encourage them to do a research using "google". Social networks may be good tool for children to learn the world through chatting with friends, finding new interesting people, and furthermore, to develop their writing skills. Of course at the first stage of using the Facebook, parents should prepare a child, explain what is the main purpose of the social network site. Then the responsible child decides himslef what is better for him. No. Each child.

Nevertheless, I do think that at early ages children should spend much time in a real world: play and talk with people in life, looking to their eyes, not to the screen; reading books, walking on a fresh air, developing some hobbies, be close to their parents... . You may think that I am an old-fashioned but I believe that childhood is a beautiful stage of life which the child remembers as a carefree time. Out of computer.

1 point

Yes, but unfortunately it is hard to filter the internet... .

1 point

It is great that a child is interested in debating:) .

I did not say ALL OF THE CHILDREN. Plesase reread. I am talking about the majority.

Ok, its your choice, however i do not find anything vulgur in this debate. Sorry if you've seen some hidden meaning.

1 point

You misunderstood: I did not mean to forbid watching a TV for kids. I wrote about the importance of observing what a child is watching (if it is possible) and in case it is necessary answer questions which may occur in kid's mind.

The point is that imitating such person as David Attenborough is pretty difficult for children. Think about it: it is much easier for them to repeat actions or words of those personalities which are met in cartoons, where the portraits are simple and easier to understand. More often they are met in fantastic ones. And today children tend to imitate more often Hannah Montana or other characteristics from teenaged films.

But this is not so dangerous I think. What is really harmful is watching drugs, nudity, vulgar language whaich are shown on shows, films, different TV programs. This is what may influence a fragile mind of a little considerably.

1 point

As i have understood you wrote only about a special group of cartoons which are based on intelectual development of children. Yes, there are some good examples, however today more often there are met those cartoons which actually show the world totally different and make a certain kind of illuision effect on children. Interestingly, we should not forget that making cartoons is a business and really profitable one. Sometimes the creators may not think much about the audience as they do about tricks which can attract more spectators (including adults).

1 point

I support your position that it is a parent's responsibility to monitor what his/her kid is watching. Furthmore, you are right by mentioning about the major factor as a child himslef: how does he perceive the information shown on the screen.

However, here, it is important to add that it is natural for children to learn the world through asking questions and imitating something they have watched on a certain show/film...whatever. They try to imitate many things that surround them. That's why parents should be more serious about what their dears are watching. For me, it is better to sit with a kid and try to expalin the things which are shown on a TV. He/she is too young to distinguish reality and fantasy so giving even brief explanations is very interesting and significant part of upbringing.

By the way, there is no exact link between penalizing a child and bad influence of TV. What do you mean by "penalizing a child for the actions of others"? It seems you tried to state that we need firstly determine wheter a child gets benefits of watching TV or not and in first case lay everythingas it is.

Camelia(33) Clarified
1 point

"But we can influence the management of the channel of the show, if we united together and try to prevent the filthy language on the television."

Please clarify. What do you mean by uniting together?

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Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Education: In College

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