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RSS CaptofGuard

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
CaptofGuard(4) Clarified
1 point

Religion is neither madness not a delusion. It represents something real for many reasons. 1. Humans are hard wired to believe in the divine. It is in our genetic makeup. Without a God we are nothing but might makes right animals and that is why we need God. 2. The great religions give us a moral bases from which to live with each other and be cooperative and tolerant (save for one religion I will not mention here). 3. Belief in God holds us to a higher standard not made by man.If all that we hold as moral were contrived by humans morality would change on a daily bases as in (situational ethics). Each of us must then ask, "whose morality will I follow?" Well, not yours. I will seek the truth bigger and beyond us. 4.Spiritual belief gets us through the worst of times.

2 points

At a certain point a fetus has self awareness and this occurs early, probably within the first trimester. Is is it not killing a baby who has self awareness, murder? The sixth Commandment states "Thou shalt not murder". Are you godless? What reason is there for abortion? convenience? That would be quit selfish don't you think? People need to take responsibility for their actions and to hide from a mistake is disgraceful. To do it by murder is even worse.

What makes abortion ok? The life of the Mother is self defense. Abortion before self awareness would be ethical but not after and that point which is set by societal consensus not you.

In your world is it ok to kill an animal just because you don't like it hanging around your home? or would you call animal control? Does not a unborn person have a right for a chance at life by adoption?

Abortion is a selfish act to avoid responsibility and unnecessary unless it is to save the life of the mother.

1 point

I believe in free speech and the cure for free speech is more free speech. If you display disgusting things and ideas you will invite a reaction so, what is with the Nazi stamp? Your a Nazi? A white supremacist? In my book and in most peoples book you are something to be despised and laughed at.

1 point

In your way of thinking no one but you wins. It does not matter if you are right or full of you know what. On your part it is willful ignorance. Because of your attitude anyone who disagrees with you is not really talking to you but to the other readers. Your opinion does not count. You need an attitude adjustment.

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