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RSS CarolynTorre

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.

Al-Musta'sim, caliph of Baghdad in 1258: Mongols burnt down libraries and the “House of Wisdom” with works and products that were translated and collected for hundreds of years during their destruction of Baghdad.

Al-Musta'sim, caliph of Baghdad in 1258: The Mongols lied to me when they claimed that if a Mongol army was to invade, the Islamic world would rush to our aid, which didn’t happen. They still continued to massacre and destroy the city after we surrendered.

Al-Musta'sim, caliph of Baghdad in 1258: I was wrapped in a carpet and kicked and trampled to death by the army and horses, a very uncivilized way to kill someone.

Created a fast and efficient mode of communication: Yam system.

2 points

People were promoted based on merit rather than based on family or status.

2 points

Destroyed the City of Baghdad even after they surrendered.

0 points

Mongol women were trusted advisors and had the right to divorce their husbands.

2 points

The Mongols burned down Baghdad, the cultural capital of an empire. Things such as libraries and hospitals were destroyed.

3 points

During warfare, they would sometimes rip unborn children from wombs of mothers and use prisoners as human shields.

2 points

When a grandson of Khan-Hulegu- converted to Islam, they went from being religious tolerant to supporting massacres of other religions.

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