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RSS ChezForPrez

Reward Points:4
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

okay. there's only one thing for me to say, i'd wish for (drum roll) "CHEZ!!"

(mic drop) [walk off stage]

1 point

I think Religious people cannot believe in luck, cause is it just luck that your god exist, because when luck exist (which it doesn't) everyone is equal in strength, efficiency, and power, and that would be insulting your god, saying "Oy! yah you god up there! I'm equal with you! You're no greater than me! you're just up there with supernatural powers because you're lucky!" that sounds like a 2 year old fighting over a toy! instead drop the luck, confess your weakness, like I did to the lord, "JESUS CHRIST", cause is it just luck he did what he did on the cross??

1 point

why would Atheist be cool??like where is the hope in it??? because who wants to think "you just get this one life, live it, because when you're dead, YOU'RE DEAD!"

have you ever seen someone do something horrible and thought "I Just Want this guy to get what he deserves!", and that guy doesn't get caught, then what?? He didn't get what he deserved, but for Christians, if that guy didn't repent during his life, he go to hell, and pay for what he did!! or when Christ comes back, and judgement comes for everyone, that guy will be judged, and every sin he committed would be brought into the open, and just Imagine the embarrassment and guilt he will suffer, that would be ultimately satisfying!!

1 point

I think Christian, I prefer life with some Hope, instead off "Serve yourself, theirs nothing at the end of the race, just do whatever!!", like why just think "when you're dead, you're dead!", like, who doesn't want eternal life??

1 point

I believe the Catholics are not really Christians, the worship the mother of Jesus, not Jesus himself, and they do the breaking of the bread, and the wine all the time, thinking that it will take away sin, so if they have to do that all the time, what was Jesus's death on the cross for?? And why do you do confession?? I think you don't have to confess to a priest, you should confess to the holy lord himself!! (MIC DROP) [walk off stage]

1 point

I disagree, why do that?? what they believe does not mean anything to religious people, they just are theories, so what do they mean to us??

Winning Position: Luck is just a word "NO"

About Me

"well I Like cheese, and I'm running for president, I love debating with all religions and beliefs"

Biographical Information
Name: Chez Cheese21
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Green Party
Country: Canada
Religion: Christian-other

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