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RSS Chinni

Reward Points:35
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

It is not like you are going to study 24/7 , you have to, at one point, to take rest from studying ? so u can socialize with other people in that short period of time rather than going to meet up with your friends

1 point

this depends on how use social media, if you would want to socialize with people the same amount of time u socialize face to face, i don not see any harm in that?

3 points

Thorugh social media we could learn more about what is going on in the world immediately rather than waiting for the traditional way to read the newspaper, which is the previous day's news.

2 points

This aplies to people who do not want to make new friends, is also the same for face to face, if a random stranger came up to and said you are beautiful and i like your house? don't you feel the same?

0 points

Are there any significant evidence to support your statements?

0 points

Have you not gone to starbucks? You could a lot of small groups there socializing together? moreover do u think that in this fast generation where is there time to socialize face to face? if u say that we should not use social media then most people n this world could not interact with other, if their only choice of interacting with others is talking to them face to face.

4 points

Through social media a lot of charity work has been done for example dr. leslie tay she raised food for a charity through her personal blog

4 points

Through social media like bloggers, the famous singaporean blogger xiaxue became more famous, and in times of difficulty where there were americans who hated her and made bad comments about her, her fans stood by her, this happened because social media where they got to know more about xiaxue and her personality

4 points

Even in singapore parliament, the minsters use facebook to update them about meetings and things like that.

3 points

I would not agree to the statement because only through Facebook i got to know more about people and what is going around the world.

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