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RSS Choose-life

Reward Points:32
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10 most recent arguments.
8 points

same way as it proves talking snakes and flat Earth .

The talking snake was Satan and the bible supports a round earth please see the book of Job

1 point

That's a terrible argument. This is why people think you are a troll.

1) Apparently 5 people agree with me

2) How so?

Did you see the big bang?

Did you see evolution?


NO you did not there is a difference between observational science and historical science which confuses a lot of people and leads to misconceptions about evolution. Ken Ham made perfect sense in the debate and Bill Nye made a lot of flaws like claiming the bible could of been corrupted like the telephone game when there is many manuscripts of the New Testament and a quite few of the Old Testament too there are some grammatical difference but that doesn't change the meaning of the text significantly.

4 points

Nye's response to hard questions "That's the mystery".

Got to love ignorance.

It's sad that Bill Nye doesn't review his facts

5 points

Actually me and my parents thought Ken Ham won because he has the bible to back up his argument.

2 points

That debate was painful to watch. Ken Ham got his ass handed to him and didn't provide any evidence for his position other than a few arguments from authority. Ken didn't even need to be there. You could have just replaced him with a sound clip that says "the Bible says creation is true" repeating over and over.

My parents thought Ken Ham won.....

7 points

Name one good argument for Ken Ham's belief.

Were you there?

2 points

Down voted because Ken Ham is a fraud who thinks the bible is fact.

That's not a valid reason.....

9 points

The bible disproves the lie of evolution........................................

1 point

In first world countries they do, along with the earth being a sphere and not flat.

Actually in America most people do not believe in Evolution and there is a large controversy so why should we not present the other side?

2 points

Down voted because Ken Ham is a fraud who thinks the bible is face.

The bible is true

Displaying 3 most recent debates.

Winning Position: I am not Chuz-Life my username was inspired by his
Winning Position: Holocaust
Winning Position: Proof being gay is a choice is that ex-gay organizations have overcome their homosexuality

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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