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RSS Cinder000

Reward Points:29
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

When I said sorry it was for Boeman not you! I hope you're a troll and not an anti semite!

1 point

I converted to christanity but I was born as a jew! I wanted to say I'll die a jew to enrage you but here's a lot of things that jews invented and that are great about Jews! 1.They cured polio! If you hate jews so much WHY did you get that vaccene! 2. Israel's a jewish state and all of the internet companies went there so you might as well throw your computer away! 3. No facebook, that was invented by a jew, a very leftest one at that! 4. No more things invented by jews since you hate them so much! 5. Unlike us christens, only the orthidox try to convert people! 6. Jews are smart and inventive! 7. Jews have guts now! 8.NO MORE THEROY OF RELITEVITY OR AT LEAST NO MORE BELIEVING THAT IT'S THERE BECAUSE ALBERT EINSTIEN WAS A JEW! 9. Jews are forgiving as a convert it's harder! 10. Jews are liberal-to a fault actually and this is coming from a liberal! 11. Jews have pride for where they live-if they don't try to kill them that is! If you're a nazi turn yourself in! If you're a neo nazi and you live in a place where that's illegial turn yourself in! If it's legal then wise up and get an education! Good day! let me guess you believe in the Proticals Of Zion and all that crap!

1 point

I was mad at you for a second because I thought that YOU were the bigot but you were just replying to the Bigot! Sorry and Israel's the one that's hated!

1 point

They don't understand why because there has been no reason why! There are way worse nations but nobody cares because they're attempting to prevent Israel from defending themselves!

1 point

You can't ask them because they're living under a dictatorship and They claim they like Castro because they have to! You had more freedom because you are a cuban syrian and not just a cuban all the way! They do have universal healthcare and so does all the other industrilized nations! Even Israel, who needs to fund their militery so they don't you know DIE, has a universal healthcare system!

1 point

forget about what I ever said! Capitalism-if it's regulated so workers have rights is the greatest system oh yeah and healthcare too! The Soviet Union called itself Sochalist not Communist though!

1 point

There are genocides with the UN around, you just never hear about it because the world and the UN is WAY more focused on the "crime" of Building settlements and defending yourself then on actual genocides of the other countries you know the one that are NOT Israel! Note this is only a crime if you're a small nation called Israel!

0 points

Welcome to the pro israel club! If you're pro Israel that is and/or think that the UN is working AGAINST israel NOT in israel's favor!

1 point

That sounds a little bit like me expect I want some goverment control for the welfare of us all, and when I say this i mean taxes for the rich, a limit in campain spending and a minimum floor for the WORKING poor not the lazy, some benifits for us middle class, yeah we're lucky not to be poor but we're being SCREWED here, less protection for pedophiles who submit to their urges in real life and rights for us all! That's my reply and now The UN hates israel and I don't know why and I want to shut it down!

1 point

It has solved very few problems, and the only problem the UN is trying to solve now is the "problem" of Israel existing! Other nations may of been condemned but Israel has been condemned more times then any other country! They seem to enjoy bullying Israel! They're not defenseless but It's unfair none the less! The ICC is a kangaroo court, The UN "human rights council" is a battle field! It's like an abusive home or school for just one kid! That one kid aka Israel Can't win! Everything they do to the bullies is wrong, they're existence is wrong to the teacher and her classmates or the parent and her siblings!

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