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RSS Claire_W

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

I like how you included the role Alexander Hamilton played in the creation of the Constitution.

2 points

I agree with and like how you stated Hamilton's view of a strong government and his reasons for wanting one.

1 point

I don't agree with the fact that Jefferson wanted equality for all races. He didn't live by these standards. Jefferson owned slaves that he didn't treat very well.

2 points

Look at America today. It wouldn't be the country it is without Alexander Hamilton. His actions and ideas about creating a balanced economy, a National Bank, and a strong central government with a loose interpretation of the Constitution still influence the American government and economy.

Hamilton supported the vision of a balanced economy in the United States. He wanted government support to go to agriculture, trade, finance, and manufacturing. With many different ways to support the economy, if one industry fails, the whole economy doesn't crash. Trade made up a large part of several northern states' economies, such as New York. In the southern states, agriculture played a large role in the economy. To make the overall economy of the United States work, all of the states' economies have to flourish. Alexander Hamilton understood that and worked to make that economy become a reality. It is because of Hamilton's vision that the American economy is invested in multiple industries to make a balanced and stable financial foundation.

The creation of a National Bank was another idea in which Hamilton strongly believed. He argued that it would improve the nations credit and solve some of the financial problems. The bank could lend money to the government, so it could afford to start programs, such as the National Bank itself. However, this was not just an idea. Unlike other politicians, Hamilton found a way to see his ideas turn into reality. He persuaded Congress to establish a National Bank which helped grow and played a large role in the American economy. This is proven by the mayhem that ensued after Thomas Jefferson canceled the bank while he was President of the United States. The National Bank affected today's America by helping to set up an economy that can last over two hundred years.

Also, Hamilton wanted a strong national government that interpreted the Constitution loosely. The Articles of Confederation was a weak central government and obviously didn't work. The United States needed a stronger national government to unite the states and function properly. Alexander Hamilton noticed this and took actions to make a strong, functioning federal government. The government he envisioned and helped create is still in affect today. Hamilton believed that the government would function best with a loose interpretation of the Constitution. Not every detail of what the government can and cannot do and how the country is supposed to be governed can be included in the Constitution, so there needs to be room for interpretation. As time goes on and the American world around the Constitution change, the Constitution needs to be interpreted through those circumstances that would not have been envisioned while writing the Constitution. Loose interpretation of the Constitution also provided the United States with opportunities that it would not have had otherwise. Even Thomas Jefferson's Louisiana Purchase which added a very large amount of land to the United States would not have been possible if Hamilton had not pushed for a loose interpretation of the Constitution.

Alexander Hamilton's vision of the United States economy and government still continue to shape todays society.

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