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RSS ClarinetGeek

Reward Points:12
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In even the most promising scientific theories of today, multiverses play an active role in the theory functioning properly. They add certain mathematical elements to the theory that "debug," in a sense, all the mathematical impossibilities present to begin with. And even though it is a radical idea, there are many things we accept as fact today (atoms, for example) that back in the day was almost heresy to consider.

TV, cell phones, and iPods: no. The television and iPod are for pure entertainment purposes, and cell phones are not necessary either.

However, the computer is a must for all people. The reason is because we live in the Age of Information. Television is bombarded with biased news channels, and this becomes the only way the average person obtains information. Computers, on the other hand, allow for free information (or almost free) via the Internet. So, in order to maintain a nice tab on world affairs, a computer is necessary.

I couldn't agree more. I am also a Satanist, and friends with Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Wiccans, an even Thelemists. My religion affects my philosophies, but not my personality or my ability to get along with others. People really should maintain an open mind about these things. Religious segregation is an awful thing to consider, especially because the more...minor religions would live in a very small world indeed. Not to mention religious toleration in general would go out the window. I am eager to see who would actually support segregation!

2 points

Yes, I do believe that an atheist takes the concept of God more seriously. I am not an atheist, so I cannot back this claim with personal experience, nor am I a believer. However, I could divide my friends into 50-50 so I've heard their stories and arguments.

Many believers (not all, however) take God as a given. He is there, there is no disputing it. When I ask believers how they know God exists, they often reply with either "Because that's the way it is" or "How else could the universe have come into existence?" When I describe a multitude of other ways for the universe to have come into existence, they cannot give me a reasonable counterargument. It seems to me that believers think of God as an infant thinks of it's mother: they are there because they just are, they are the most benevolent thing in existence, and they only want the best for us.

Atheists, on the other hand, have much better arguments. I could spend hours arguing with my atheist friends about the concept of God (in fact, I have). They obviously take this concept much more seriously. I believe this is mainly due to the fact that Atheists are outnumbered by a large percentage when compared to believers. Believers are the majority of the world, and therefore do not have to prove their beliefs nearly as often as Atheists do. If an Atheist went up to someone and told them that they were an Atheist, they would most likely be bombarded with questions about why they believe what they do. However, if a Christian went up to someone and told them such, there would be no dispute; it is the norm and therefore requires no explanation.

A side note: I realize that what I say about Atheists and believers do not apply to everyone. My friends are not the world, and neither are the articles I've read and the videos I've watched. So anything characteristic that I give to these two categories of people are in every sense general.

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Winning Position: Multiverses exist

About Me

"--Satanist --High-school student --Loves to debate!"

Biographical Information
Name: Nathan Owens
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Postal Code: 27012
Religion: Other
Education: High School

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