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RSS Connor_B

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I support this because it emphasizes how the Mongols created an organized government and uses specific details like taxes.

2 points

Juvaini - He was a wealthy governor in Baghdad and only lost power when the Khan he served under left power.

1 point

Juvaini - His book, about the Mongol conquests, held views that justified the conquest and supported the Mongol rule with light criticism of them.

1 point

(Witness Juvaini) - This was a historian who's work experienced success under Mongol Rule.His most esteemed work was a history of their conquests so he benefitted from them.

1 point

They didn't treat their subjects with enough respect, especially in China, and only appointed Mongols in high government positions which led to revolts.

1 point

The empire was fairly short-lived and quickly split into warring factions after Genghis Khan died.

1 point

They attempted to win their battles by any means like killing every citizen of a town or spreading the Black Plague by throwing dead bodies over city walls.

1 point

The mongols expanded trade and communication in many important ways.The first was their protection of the Silk road which discouraged theivery and encouraged the use of it as a trade route.Another was the Yam system which was a communication system that transported messages.

1 point

They relocated artisans and skilled political or government figures across their empire to manage it for them.

1 point

The Mongols used advanced military tactics and were adaptable.They utilized shortbows and horses in combat as an example and also learned to siege castles and fortresses as they expanded their conquest.

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