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Reward Points:14
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

This is true, females won't ever reach equality to males and vice versa however on paper rights aren't the only representation of equality of the sexes, like I've said, females on paper have the same rights as males but other inequalities exist of course

0 points

Of course full equality of the sexes will never truly exist, misogyny is rooted to deep into society but there is such a difference in the way females are observed/reated in comparison to males that it should be obvious they are not yet socially equal

1 point

You cant say females are equal to males, did you not listen to what I said? Statistics prove that in the work place and in social situations women are not equal. While it is true th t their rights are the same on paper, they are not equal when it comes to social situations

1 point

Ridiculous, like what has been said, in social situations, women are nowhere equal to men, for example, a man goes out and gets laid meaning he is confident and successful in getting a woman, a woman goes out and gets laid, she is called a shout, see what I mean?

1 point

Animals hunt each other down, of course they die in the wild, we have the food chain and that's how nature stays in balance, you can't say that animals are better off in cages as they are safer because unless an animal is in immediate threat of extinction they should be kept at a center, not somewhere where they are gawped at just for some rich guys profit

1 point

They are living things and they are locked up for our pleasure and profit, they may not be as intelligent as us but they can feel pain

2 points

No it is not ETHICAL to rear a living thing in harsh conditions just so it can be slaughter for profit and pleasure by you

1 point

Exactly, as well as this females in Saudi Arabia only recently earned the right to vote! This is 2016 and up till last year millions of females could not vote and they have only recently gained this right! If women are still being played, hired and respected less, how can they be viewed as equal?

-1 points

If females are equal, why is there still a gender pay gap for females working the same hours as male colleagues and why are women objectified more in media, as well as this, why are females attributed negative stereotypes and males positive ones?

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