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RSS CooperMan

Reward Points:8
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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

Alright, let me hit you with something. If evolution doesn't exist, what explains that donkeys and horses can create a mule? They must have had some extremely similar qualities, that over the years have developed genetic diversity. The mule cannot reproduce, therefore, horses and donkeys are different species. Not to mention that simpler organisms are found further underground. Saying evolution doesn't exist is similar to saying that toy companies created dinosaur fossils in order to sell their products.

1 point























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Our digestive system has no issue with meat. Our teeth have also been made to eat both meat and plants.

2 points

We, humans, are the only living beings in existence as we know it, with a frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is what makes us think critically and not just live on instinct. In fact, we may only have little sense of morality in the wild even WITH a frontal lobe. Dogs cannot gain any sense of right and wrong other than an extremely clever trainer.

1 point

Bowser... Considering how many times I THROW HIM INTO LAVA AND EXPLODE HIM AND HIT HIM WITH METEORITES, how does he still survive to capture Peach?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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