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RSS CrazyGirl22

Reward Points:15
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6 most recent arguments.
CrazyGirl22(15) Clarified
1 point

Actually iron mans suit can't be overpowered. So thor would have to keep fighting iron man until his suit lost power, which would take a very long time

1 point

Iron man would win because his suit cannot be damaged by Thor's lightning. In fact that would only charge it more. Maybe the only thing thor could do to beat him was to put the hammer on him so he can't move, but iron man would be able to dodge the hammer with his super fast suit. Iron man can also shoot missiles at Thor, which will never miss

1 point

Hulk would win because he is a giant green monster with giant muscles and he can jump really high and far. He is way bigger than Thor, and the only thing Thor could do against him is hit him with lightning. But even that wouldn't work because the hulk can't be killed

4 points

Yes, i think it is, because animals kill each other and other animals for food, and we did evolve from animals. But i still think it is wrong and you shouldn't kill people or animals as much as possible.

1 point

Justin bieber is a terrible person:

1.he said rape is for a reason

2.he makes fans pay tons of money for tickets even though he doesn't need the money

3.he attacked a photographer at a children's hospital (he only stayed five minutes)

4.he punched out goofy in Disney world

5. His own mother is quoted as saying "he is disrespectful to everyone and I hope he grows up soon"

1 point

Justin bieber is definetly an untalented fag, and he is also a bad person. I don't hate him because his music is completely gay and he is extremely girly. That is just an opinion. He is a terrible person because:

1.he said rape is for a reason

2.he makes fans pay tons of money for tickets even though he doesn't need the money

3.he attacked a photographer at a children's hospital (he only stayed five minutes)

4.he punched out goofy in Disney world

5. His own mother is quoted as saying "he is disrespectful to everyone and I hope he grows up soon"

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Loki
Winning Position: Yes, girls can swear

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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