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RSS Crooklyn

Reward Points:7
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

When I was younger, I would have said no. Now that I have a special needs child of my own ( going on 25 years of age), and working as a special education teacher with severely handicapped children, I say that it would depend on the specific disability (ies) the child might have.

Many of the children that I see on a daily basis are not able to perform even the most basic functions of daily living, and never will. They require 24/7 care, exhibit extreme behaviors, and many have severe physical handicaps, are non-verbal ( and will never be verbal). In my opinion, these people , at best, will eventually be placed in group homes or institutions when they become 21. "Mainstreaming" such people into society and placing expectations on them the way society does for non-severely disabled people is unrealistic, regardless of laws passed, such as NCLB or Race to the Top. If a person knows that his or her child medically and mentally will suffer when it is born (with medical certainty, and no error of judgment), I would say: Yes, abort the child.

1 point

Just had this discussion with some people the other day. Since this type of activity doesn't appear as if it will ever be wiped out, legalizing it makes more sense. It would be safer for both the working women and their clientele, medically more sound (regulations) and will provide revenues ( through taxes) for the government.

There are many European nations where prostitution is legalized. Time to get rid of that Puritan mind set that we have in America, and do the same thing here.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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