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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Miley Cyrus do really have her onw facebook and twitter. She go to twitter almost everyday to communicate with her fans! She admitted that twitter helps her to know what her fans is all thinking about!!!!!!!!!!!

3 points

then why are you still online debating and not debating face to face?


1 point

Hello wendy? i say that if you think social network are not good then don't use it but miley cyrus and yangmi support social network so they use. Even yangmi also use facebook. HAHA..

3 points

People! we are talking about using social networking site to maintain good relationship is more convenient than face to face, not giving up your real social life. When you say that you never spend your time sharpening your communication skills but wasting your time on social media like Facebook all those, you mean that once you are online you can't talked to people anymore? It is more convenient to chat online since people have invented phone and ipad and wifi. Do you want to waste your money just to buy an air ticket to a foreign country every year to chat face to face to maintain good relationship?

Do you think the money is worth?

If we people are maintaining our relationship through face to face, we are going back to ice age.....

We are not improving but deproving.

OMG :)

-1 points

Misunderstanding? Can you give some example? Our argument here is about social networking sited is easier to maintain good relationship not type out everything you want to say. Even when people talk face to face, they tend to start arguing easily,however when you are online chatting, you can't start a argument easily because you can't see the people's expression. ;0

5 points

harsh? How can people be harsh on net? you can only scold bad words and put CAPS but when in real life you can beat and shout at people. So maintaining good relationship in social networking siters such as Facebook is easier then face to face.

1 point

If Facebook cannot maintain good relationship, then people don't USE THEM.


PROVE IT TO ME!!!!!!!!

3 points

Yes, I think social networking sites have a positive influence in our society because they provide a form of communication not available in the past.Social networking sites are a great place to meet, interact, and influence people. These sites help people stay in contact with former friends and colleagues. These sites also allow for interaction between people that may otherwise have not happened. People can also send out invitations and try to raise awareness through these sites.

Yes EdriBoIt

5 points

Social Networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace do have a positive social influence as friendships are easily built when similar interests are identified during online interaction.Social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace provide an outlet for people to interact with others without being shy or fearful of rejection. These sites allow people to join various groups in which they share similar interests. A lot of day to day information is shared on daily updates. It definitely helps to maintain good relationship!

12 points

For all the benefits of social networking sites in today’s society, it is evident that any impact they have is due to not merely the sites themselves but “the communications layer embedded within [them]” (Young, 2006). Social networking sites depend on the interaction between users because, according to Siegler (2009), they are “simply an extension of social networking [in] the real world” and “ever since the term was born, countless people have debated the implications of taking social interactions virtual.” At different points in time, Siegler (2009) mentions “it has been said that [social networking] would be both the downfall of mankind, and the thing that would bring the planet together [but] the truth is that social networking, while great in many respects, does not fulfil a fundamental human desire: To be in the actual presence of other people.” However, as an extension of offline communication, the use of social networking sites is incredibly advantageous to society. It simply must be remembered that without the basic existence of and need for interpersonal relationships and communicating with other people, social networking sites would be extraneous and insignificant.

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