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RSS DaaeDove

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1 point

"The Twilight Saga Is More Real Becuase It Deals With How People Have Different Emotions And How They Cope With These." Bella deals with "lust" as if it is love. You do not LOVE anyone you've known for a matter of weeks. When Edward leaves her for her OWN GOOD (sign of abuse, by the way), she completely falls apart. She's terribly depressed. While this is a real thing - depression - it's unrealistic that she'd act this way. Surely there is a girl out there who really has acting this way over a breakup, it's probably happened more than it should. However, the fact that this is portrayed as though it's totally okay and understandable for this to be happening - the fact that the reader is convinced that this proves she truly loves Edward - causes the entire thing to be terribly unrealistic. Because those things you've been convinced of AREN'T reality. It's VERY, VERY bad for her to be acting this way - she's been EMOTIONALLY ABUSED. She's depressed. Somewhat delusional. And she ISN'T in love.

Harry Potter deals with every emotion - love, hate, anger, sadness, fear, friendship, jealousy - EVERYTHING. And it isn't just in simple terms, either. It was Lily's LOVE for Harry that kept Voldemort from killing him as a child. HER LOVE. Even the mention of this implies that LOVE IS POWERFUL. Hatred factors in differently throughout, however a very notable way is how Voldemort treats the muggleborns in Deathly Hollows. It represents the Holocaust. (I'm not even going to MENTION that Harry Potter brings in allusions to historical events, etc. etc, unlike Twilight... This is just one way to prove JKR's talent over Meyer's) This hatred stems from Voldemorts own past. It isn't just random. It isn't just caused by one event, which IS the case for Victoria in Twilight. Harry is ANGRY through out. He's angry becuase his parents have been killed, and he's been forced to spend much of his life with the Dursley's. He's angry (PoA) because he thinks his father's best friend betrayed him. He's angry (OOTP) because no one will believe that Voldemort has returned. And then Sirius dies. And there's so much more than that. Sadness? Sirius dies. Dumbledore dies. Two people Harry was extremely close to die. He never knew his parents. Ron's brother dies. He sees many others die. And fear? Harry - and everyone has much to fear! I mean, Harry kind of has the fate of the world in his hands. That's scary - for anyone. Not to mention - his friends - they're afraid. They're just brave enough to face everything they face because they know they can't let Harry face it alone. They know he can't face it alone, because he's afraid too. The same ties in to friendship (which by the way, Bella HAS NO FRIENDS. SHE ABANDONS THEM ALL FOR HER STUPID ABUSIVE BOYFRIEND.) Ron and Hermione stick with Harry even when he's terribly difficult. Even when it's dangerous. And jealousy? Ron is jealous of Harry - because he's the "chosen one" and Ron is just... Ron. Ron is jealous when Hermione goes to the Yule Ball with Victor Krum. Hermione is jealous when Ron has a girlfriend in Half Blood Prince. Harry is jealous when Ginny has a boyfriend. While it seems kind of trivial - it IS real life. Much more realistic than the overly dramatic romances in Twilight? YES.

So basically the point here is that while Twilight DOES hit on some emotions, Harry Potter hits on all of them - and does it WELL.

"Harry Potter Is Just A Made Up World That JK Rowling Created. At Least Stephanie Meyer Created A World That is Real And Both Boys And Girls Relate To It."

-Okay. See, yes, she did create a "made up world". But that's partially what she's praised for. She created her own magical world, while still keeping the mythology of such things together. She didn't have to change what a werewolf was like for her story to work. She kept in the mythology of centauts and wizards and witches... Meyer's "world" is dull and boring because aside from the vampires and werewolves, it's our world. It's just a boring high school, with an extroadinarily boring main character. There's NOTHING special about the world she created - and to make it even the slightest bit "special" she had to break and twist all the rules of fantasy - vampires die in sunlight, drink blood, DON'T SPARKLE, and are TERRIBLY dangerous. Werewolves transform UNDER THE FULL MOON, and lose their minds during this change. She changes everything. Making something "new" or "recreating it" or whatever you want to call what she did DOES NOT MAKE IT BETTER. JKR managed to be very origional WITHOUT breaking all those rules. Oh, and by the way - TWILIGHT IS A FREAKING FICTIONAL WORLD AS WELL, DEAR.

And - I can't related to Twilight at all. I'm nothing like a single character. I've been the new girl. It's not so bad. I mean, sure, it is for some - but that isn't even the central issue. You can relate to characters in Harry Potter...OVER ALL. For example: Who has ever felt like...maybe you're the smart girl, who studies hard and knows what she wants out of life. Maybe you aren't good at sports. And maybe you aren't the most beautiful girl around. And maybe you're really...self conscious? Or maybe you've got that guy friend...that drives you crazy, he annoys you, he argues with you...but're in love with him still - and there's nothing you can do about it because he's got a girlfrined? You can relate to Hermione. It's more than just being able to relate to a characters MAIN situation or a minor, brief one along the way - it's more than that. It's WHO THEY ARE, that you can relate to. Twilight might allow a few to relate to a situation here or there. Harry Potter - you can relate to the CHARACTERS.

"The Twilight Saga Has Got Great Actors And Actresses In It So How Can You Compare The Actors In Harry Potter To The Twilight Saga When Both These Films Are Completely Diffferent"

-First - THE MOVIES ARE HORRIBLE. They weren't even nominated for anything worth winning. Just stupid fan voted awards at shows that the REAL awards laugh at. Twilight will never be nominated for anything important. EVER. Harry Potter on the other hand - Academy Award noms? YES.

Twilight has HORRIBLE acting. Nothing against the actors - but they were terrible in this. OH WAIT. That's because THEY'RE PLAYING HORRIBLE CHARACTERS. DUH.

Harry Potter has twice the actors of Twilight. Should I even have to mention Helena Bonham Carter (who is FREAKING AMAZING as Bellatrix), or Ralph Fienes? Or Gary Oldman? Or...MANY other people? COME ON.

And don't dis the Harry Potter VS (DESTROYS) Twilight argument. While they are different - they're compared because of the fandoms. Twilight fans started it, we're just retaliating, and defending what we know is true. Not to mention WHY ARE YOU SAYING WE SHOULDN'T COMPARE THEM...WHEN YOU JUST COMPARED THEM?

Senseless hypocrisy!

2 points

"Twilight in the world is the best thing that ever happened to all of us." -Okay. Well then. WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN? I'm going to assume you meant to say "Twilight is the best thing to ever happen to the world".

First off - WHY? You give absolutly NO explanation as to WHY Twilight is so amazing. Why not explaning your statement a little bit more than this?

It makes no sense!

Not to mention, Twilight is probably one of the worst things to happen to girls in our generation, since it promotes abusive relationships to an extreme.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Carrie 
Gender: Lady
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Education: In College

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