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1 point

I don't live in "1st world country" actually, I live in Lebanon, a middle east country, shocking no? I am pretty sure that Quran does not encourage rap nor murder on any level. Countries that follow the law of Islam, have much less homicides and rap occurrences, again, if only you research well.

Added to that, let's say I were to say something such as.

He hurt me. I will hurt him.

If you only took that second sentence, it's easy to put the blame on me. Don't you think so?

Actually the vast majority of practicing Muslims, are normal human beings. Come to think of it, if the vast majority were rapists and criminals and so on, I believe the world would have been in greater corruption, considering there are plenty of Muslims. You seem like some mind controlled robot, programmed to not see any common sense.

Therefor, I won't waste my time with you.

Again, may God guide you out of your ignorance.

Salam al-kum (Peace to you)

1 point

It's not blind submittance, it all makes sense, everything has an explanation. Following Islam doesn't mean you have to "throw your congantive reasoning in the garbage". In fact, all it takes is some reasoning, to see the truth.

The Quran does not contain "evil", added to that the middle east is not "corrupted", you should come here, you have no idea.

Salam al-kum (Peace to you)

1 point

You say there's no evidence if his existence? If you were smart enough, you'd know that many of the scientific facts in the Quran have been later on proven by scientists all over the world. The quran is over a thousand years old, yet it has information that has only been discovered recently. It is obviously not "dreamed up".

watch this, may you gain some knowledge.

Added to that, I don't "slam my face into a carpet" I pray, because it brings peace to my heart. If you take the time to look at the miracles around you, how did they come to exist? You think everything just exists like that? No, Allah is the one who created it. It doesn't take much to see that there is logic in everything in Islam, if you weren't too busy trying to criticize things you do not understand, and do not even try to.

Peace out, may Allah guide you out of your ignorance. Salam al-kum (Peace to you)

1 point

Agreed completely. Added to that, the crime rates in western countries such as America are extremely higher. The majority there are Christians, does that mean that Christians are not peaceful? No, obviously. Same applies to Islam. Simple logic.

2 points

Islam upholds women to the highest and most respected position. Where do you get your information from, Islam haters? or the social media that enforces such stupid ideas on ignorant people? When Islam was first known to mankind, women had no importance, they did not exist in the eyes of society, they had no rights. Islam gave them rights at a time were being a woman equaled nothing. Do better research, here's a link with proper information.

May Allah guide you out of your ignorance about Islam :)

Much peace, Dana S.

1 point

I researched it, true, it does mean Submission in sanskrit. One who submits is a Muslim, and submission to Allah will bring peace, what's so wrong about that? I must add, this is besides the point, is that all you have to defend your argument? It's just sad, following the blind stereotypes that the media enforces on ignorant people.

1 point

Where did you get your absolute incorrect information? Where in the Arab world has that happened? Enlighten me, will you? I live here you know.

1 point

Really? It says that? Then show me where it does? Because I'm pretty sure it doesn't, in fact it says "For you is your religion, and for me is my religion." . Which clearly shows that Islam respects all other religions, it does not call for killing on any degree.

1 point

I agree with you, only one side of the story is shown, and whoever tries to show the other story never seems to be heard on tv

1 point

I agree with you completely, the view people have about the middle east is extremely mistaken, I live in Saudi Arabia, and guess what? We don't ride on camels nor do we live in tents.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Lady
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Religion: Muslim
Education: High School

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