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RSS Daniel

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Wealth within a country is relative to the remainder of the population. Therefore, if everyone is of equal prosperity, nobody is wealthy. Furthermore, wealth within a country may not be proportional to wealth on an international scale. Say for instance you live in a country where the average capital is $1,000 and you have $2,000. In that case you'd be wealthy, but if the international average capital is $5,000 then you'd not be wealthy seeing as you've got significantly less than the majority (purely example figures to illustrate the point).

4 points

I have never seen proof which merely suggests that there is a such thing as a god. I have a hard time believing in something which has not even been shown as ostensible. On the contrary I find it unlikely that a single entity would be behind the creation of everything (providing "god" has a role in the cosmogony of the religion in question). Also, modern science based around methodologies and proper research contradicts that which the major religions that have holy texts say.

2 points

Totally agreed. What if I want to add both a mouse as well as a USB stick (or another combination of multiple peripheral devices connected to a USB port) at the same time? Either you'll have to get a USB hub, but that takes up space and it would be annoying to move the laptop with all sorts of things hanging from your computer, or you'll have to live with the fact that you can only use one at a time. Although I understand that a MacBook Air is not supposed to be stand-alone but rather work with a network, a the idea of a laptop is essentially portability so eventually you'll find yourself at a place where you do not have access to a network and then you're out of luck if you need to load something through an optical read media. Lightweight is good, but not by sacrificing (important) features.

0 points

Religious people base their behavior, either consciously or unconsciously, on their religion. Therefore, it's important to study foreign religions in order to understand foreign cultures. Being able to understand foreign cultures is important in order to get a broader view on humanity. Therefore, religious doctrine should be taught in a scientific way, i.e. from an external, analytical and critical point of view.

1 point

Microsoft is a company, not a product. What you are arguing against is Windows, a product developed by Microsoft. Microsoft are creating a multitude of other products and evaluating Microsoft's "suckiness" based on a sole product is hardly accurate.

1 point

Standardized tests do not reflect the student's skills as a whole but rather tests the student in being able to remember trivia and random facts. Deriving information from analysis is better than remembering facts.

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Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Denmark

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