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RSS DasHammer

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10 most recent arguments.
6 points

He prolonged the depression, yes depression not recession, the US's economic state more closely resembles a depression then a recession. He might be one of the greatest liars, and racial and economical class dividers in history, but yes keep blaming bush!

2 points

What is this, a list of the most over hyped, under-performing quarterbacks ever in the NFL? Only one of those quarterbacks are elite (warren Moon), the jury is still out on RG3 if he can even last in the NFL due to durability and even still will he make it to elite level?? Elite level is a combination of records and superbowl wins. Your list seriously made me laugh

1 point

There are so many labor laws now, that unions are basically more of a hindrance then a benefit. Hostess for example. Unions can be a great tool for employees but no one should be forced to join union or pay union dues to be employed.

1 point

No need to apologize, being unemployed is horrible. Many people like yourself are hurting because of the global economic transitions of the United States. Dont lose hope, keep looking for employment, I agree the country is hurting and no one that is in elected office seems to care, or have even the slightest clue to help fix it.

2 points

I think we have two different philosophies when it comes to what the basic function and responsibility of the government is. I do not believe the governments responsibilities are to create jobs and take care of people. I believe the government is suppose to provide a atmosphere where fair opportunities exist, not that the government provides those opportunities but that they sustain the environment that allows them to exist. Which i think we both can find common ground and agree about, that the U.S. government is doing , and has been doing a very poor job at. I agree with you on certain points, i believe both parties are too blame. They are both more interested in obtaining power that once they achieve that power they have no idea what to do with it, with the majority of them trying to ensure that they don't lose it. Liberty and freedom have been taken out of the American culture and the vast majority don't realize that in the long run, more government programs, laws and policies are not the answer. It is my personal belief is that there is no such thing as a perfect government, human souls are not capable of it, that is why the practical workings of communism or socialism will never work and you very unhappy people in capitalism. The trick though is to limit and get the least amount of unhappy people in capitalism, to do this government needs to have a limited but meaningful role to play, mostly to set the rules, enforce the rules and stay out of productive societies way.

1 point

China is not so much better off as you say... basic macroeconomics tells us this because of comparative advantage. China has an advantage to production just like the US still has the advantage for skilled services and technology. The US still has a nominal GDP that is DOUBLE of China's'. If you had ever been to main land China you would know this from basic observation. Just because China is advancing at a faster pace then the U.S. doesn't mean they will surpass the U.S. or even catch up with the U.S. The economy goes in cycles, China is currently experiencing what the US experienced during the "industrial revolution". The sky isn't failing on the U.S. as many would like to believe. The U.S economic situation is more do to the Governments intrusions into the private sector with crippling over-regulations, and cronie capitalism. Adding more to this, or becoming a Communistic country wouldn't help the problems but just make them even larger and basically impossible to reverse and correct.

1 point

China is not so much better off as you say... basic macroeconomics tells us this because of comparative advantage. China has an advantage to production just like the US still has the advantage for skilled services and technology. The US still has a nominal GDP that is DOUBLE of China's'. If you had ever been to main land China you would know this from basic observation. Just because China is advancing at a faster pace then the U.S. doesn't mean they will surpass the U.S. or even catch up with the U.S. The economy goes in cycles, China is currently experiencing what the US experienced during the "industrial revolution". The sky isn't failing on the U.S. as many would like to believe. The U.S economic situation is more do to the Governments intrusions into the private sector with crippling over-regulations, and cronie capitalism. Adding more to this, or becoming a Communistic country wouldn't help the problems but just make them even larger and basically impossible to reverse and correct.

2 points

Yet his team isn't projected to get to the post season to make any of those stats matter. There are always exceptions to the rule, but 1 out of 32 isn't that great.

1 point

Obama is a horrible president, a reincarnation of Jimmy Carter on crack steroids. In little over 3 years he not only doubled the national deficit, but did it by more then all presidents before him combined! The Arab spring was a horrible example of Obamas incompetence in foreign policy allowing islamic extremist to take over numerous countries, add on to that foreign incompetence the mess in bengahzi where an American ambassador was killed while the CIA watched from overhead! And lets look at the horrible economic record, the longest consecutive weeks of unemployment above 8 percent since the great depression! The highest amount of people on food stamps and unemployment benefits EVER! Ramrodding in his obamacare, even though at the time the american electorate didnt want it with 3/4 margins against. Anyone could go on and on with examples of his incompetence.... but it is all bushes fault...right keep on living in half baked heaven morons!

2 points

How many super-bowl rings does Mr. moon have? He is the only hall of fame black quarterback so he is still the exception to the rule. Not trying to take away from Moon

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Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Religion: Mormon
Education: Post Grad

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