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RSS DaveGenis

Reward Points:8
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5 most recent arguments.
-1 points

By how though?

also how could scientists earn money if they don't tell people the truth?

compare pictures that took the same place in the past and now that had ice with it

you will see less ice now

this explains there is global warming

1 point

I watched Movie called The Day After Tomorrow and because of the global warming, there was ice age.

Dont you guys think both meaning mixed up?

like we made air warmer and later on the ice tornado comes and ice age starts

0 points

If this is true then i wonder why most of the people say global warming is true

Also if you see the graph you will see average temperature is going up

If the temperature is going up is related to global cooling could you explain me?

1 point

A person asked me, what kind of question is this, um... i read some paragraphs and some say the earth is going to be cold like ice age, because people in earth are having longer winter than year before

and like a lot of people say the earth is going to be warmer

there are some possible ways so that i wanted to see other people's opinions

0 points

i am sorry for couldn't put a website that says this winter, some countries had longer winter than usually so that they could assume we are going to have global cooling, because i don't remember what that website is

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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