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Reward Points:22
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

No. There are already enough companies totally destroying the environment; endangering animals, humans and the beauty of Earth alike. The UN, EU etc finally need to take a strong stand and stop this foolishness. Money isn't the most important thing.

1 point

Agree. People maybe party hardy and drunk in their free time, but that doesn't mean they don't work hard and well on their jobs. People are allowed to have a life next to their job. I think it's unfair when employers spy on potential employees via social media.

1 point

Yeah, I think it's a good way too sell yourself. Will help the employer make a choice.

1 point

I guess it doesn't exist... barely exist... you don't have to agree to the cookies, you don't have to have a Facebook account, etc. I think if you're really good with computers, you can also hide your online footsteps well. But for the common, there is no internet privacy.

1 point

Yeah, companies produce so much pollution, it's insane. Sure we civilians can help, too, by seperating plastic from paper etc. But I think a lot of companies should really focus on being environmentally responsible.

1 point

Yes. Sometimes I get invited to job interviews mostly due to my international experience in Sweden and Japan. They literally say they like it. Also, due to globalization there is a good change you have to put your international experience to use. Tourism is rising, international trade is rising, the number of multinationals is rising, etc.

1 point

The media look for sensation and want more readers. I think that is the number one cause of inaccuracies in the news media.

1 point

I think it's very effective to include music!! People remember sounds; they will also remember advertisement jingles, perhaps even hum it if they like it. I definitely think it's effective. As long as it's not distracting.

1 point

No, it does not. You can't read expressions when you communicate digitally. Also, I believe you don't actually say everything you want to say, because you have to type everything!

I still think digital communication is useful for many situations though.

1 point

How often does a manhunt like that really happen? I think social media is very useful for tracking down criminals. I think it can really help the police. Of course, the people who do engage in a manhunt should be duly punished! Only the law/court should be allowed to punish criminals. Also, I think it happened in the old days as well, when pictures were posted in newspapers and shown on television! So it really isn't something new.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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