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RSS Didier

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1 point

simple facts u guys are killing your own people...

of course u have the problem of having a huge influence by money in all your getting it banned ...don't think its feasable...allas...

still in Europe where gun laws are very strict...the incidents....are not even near your safest city..and that our top estimate..

fact criminals with evil intent will always be able 2 fabricate purchase or acquire a weapon..

good thing here if some1 gets in a shooting incident its mostly liquidations IE criminal shooting criminal so good riddance

the not having the availability and ease of acquiring fire arms..does reflect in the figures ladies...but then we have a free health care 2 which saves lives..

think the mentality of the us is not at the moment saving lives or the care of it gun laws health industry..etc...u guys are fucked basically..until you yourself decide 2 make some fundamental chances....don't give me this crap about democracy and free yar living in a 2 party system..and no i ain't a commy..:)

its egocentric group behavior whats killing..people...and sheep behavior...oh he has a gun beeeeeeeh beeeeeh i get 1 no better i get 2 beeeeeeeeh behh..and so ya all fall down the on yas

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