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RSS Dilshah09

Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Ironically , post plentiful arguments read , personally concluding ,as a strong believer of evolution ,now human being is established as almost a perfect living creature, but the joy in sex lies in theory of evolution,erstwhile ancestors of human being ,who survived just to survive his personal life ...must get something for every sort of work it does reproduction process is of no exception should give something that the male does , pleasure can be the sole thing in return for the sex

1 point

Have you lost it can some dare even to raise such a topic..i mean after banning drugs cocaine etc things ..marriage is the big issue that might be stopped ...the emotional reality of marriage is indispensably important...but as a matter of self dependance ...the freedom does overrule ..that feeling of living together...hearts being connected and trust are more than enough to enjoy life honestly ....


1 point

Can support banning by following arguments

1.second hand smoke

2.most prone to lung cancers

3.problems to women reproductive organs.

In the name of stress releasing addictive thing ,socially communally dangerous thing need to be banned

1 point

Hate is unconstitutional ! Yet should not be preached and the laws need to be refined , it is accepted pertaining to freedom of speech.. But denying another law of hypnotically diverting individual mindset on the religious proforma ..i personally believe spreading hate publically and comparable to an ideal concept of exorcism...i do not support hate speeches as freedom of speech ,moreover a dangerous hypnosis ......

-------adil shah badeghar

1 point

Nope certainly not ...i strongly disagree this a statement from gandhi truly support my argument eye for an eye makes whole nation blind....necessarily someone who is murdered will be close to someone and suppose legalised than this victim is again close to someone than if its legal than this chain goes on and leading enormous danger to human population ...ending with disagreement....

1 point

Heaven is only a ideal concept ...and just a sort of aim or fear which is false .to bound us in the limitations which human feelings altogether think GOOD a mother scares her child if he do not drink milk devil will take him away saying this his mother acheived her aim and child got fear in his soul ...time being as child comes to know no devil will come if he do not drink milk ...we should cross all the non sense limits ,heaven hell good bad god devil ...and start doing which heart permits and makes us happier ....finally quoting only those who believe in their happiness will lead life properly ....

1 point

Idiot means doing something or portraying ,projecting that is of low or any person for that matter for lot of situations does work that is of low intelligence,henceforth its not any exception that someone alive never did something which is of low intelligence....ultimately saying its situations which decides how idiotic or in other words how less intelligent a person is....

1 point

Murder actually means killing which is against the law, as abortion isnt illegal ,foremost thing its not on debate point i still beleive its not murder because , murder is killing of life ..and life will be started after breath of the external atmosphere ...ofcourse life reaction been started yet its not the so called life which human being in law beleives ...and aborting is stopping undesired and not specifically murder...

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