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Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Yasraela or whatever their name is, they stir up the Christians often hilarious.

1 point

How would deforestation of the Amazon lead to making our planet uninhabitable? Only 2-3% of the rainforest has been logged thus far, meaning the tribes have more space to live than the homeless "individuals" They would be used to living in the wild by then, and would adapt quicker.

Also, who are you to say that taking them out of a job would only leave "a few homeless" These people have families as well! As I said before, 100,000 brazilians were employed by logging companies, and supposing half of them have a family of 4, that would event in an extremely large amount of homeless, not to mention that poverty is already a problem.

1 point

They should learn about both, because both will affect them later in life.

1 point

He started a religion, so to speak. More important than points.

1 point

Christmas is the birth of Jesus, you ignorant buffoon. Of course Christ didn't celebrate the 4th of July, because 1. He was born in Jerusalem, later moving to Nazareth( Both in the northern Galilee region, for your stupid brain) 2. America was birthed a nation in 1776.. Christ died long before this... please think before you type, because honestly I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and SHIT a better statement than that..

1 point

You are ignorant.. how can one make a stereotype for a whole religion(2,184,060,000 Christian people in 2010) You haven't studied their actions to see what deems them "child molesters" or "wicked" , nor can you make a guess for all the Christian population based on the few you have seen. You haven't been in every church, surely, so how can you determine that there is wickedness upon all the churches(250,000 protestant churches in America alone) Your weak attempt at a debate is as holey as swiss cheese as well.

1 point

Jesus Christ selected 12 men from among his early followers to become his closest disciples. After an intensive discipleship course and following his resurrection from the dead, the Lord fully commissioned the apostles (Matthew 28:16-2, Mark 16:15) to advance God's kingdom and carry the gospel message to the world. Now, your followers on twitter follow you because you post stupid things about your cat, or funny things you find, NOT to deliver Gods word. There is a great difference between delivering Gods message and telling people at what time you fed your cat. (Jesus had disciples or apostles, not FOLLOWERS)

1 point

No, on Christmas day people take advantage of it by giving presents, and sometimes the holiday doesn't even support their religion. However, Christians do not think of this as religious bigotry.

4 points

Yes, without the sacrifice of Him on the cross, all of humanities sins would catch up to us, thus eventing in Hell overflowing, which is where we go when we sin.

1 point

Although the amount of rainforest logged per second isn't reasonable by any means, export of wood is 40% of the economy in Brazil, and provides approximately 100,000 jobs per year. Without the wood export alone, the economy would come to a standstill, and put many people on the streets, making the homeless population even more of a problem.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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