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RSS Dreambro

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

One last point. I think the State Proved their case, the Jury just didnt WANT to convict George! Think about it. 6 women made a decision to let this man walk amongst Millions. Also, I believe Juries are influenced by their own belief systems as well. If they themselves feared black males, they may not convict the killers of black males, esp if the killer claims to be a block watch concerned for his community. I feel this ladies would have convicted a black man under the exact circumstances had the tables been turned. But its all Done now. Let George Zimmerman and OJ Simpson BE !

1 point

Oops, I dont think one can claim self defense against one whom they themselves pursued. Also, this case outcome is unsettling. It tells people they can pursue others, invoke a response, and if they dont like the response by the very person they pursued, they can shoot them and walk away! Im like WOW!

1 point

I believe the state had all they needed for a Murder 2 Charge. Zimmerman wasnt charged With Murder 1, which was Premeditated Murder. So, the courts didnt accuse him of setting out to kill that kid, but they did think that when Zimmerman pulled that trigger in Trayvon's Chest that he had reason to believe it would kill Trayvon. So, we have a dead kid, And a Man who said he shot the kid in Self Defense. I really see how one can claim self defense against one they pursued themselves. G Zimmerman's life was in NO danger before he pursued that kid, making it a very avoidable situation. But I feel what was REALLY on Trial was Zimmerman's belief system. Whether he was racist or not. But I dont feel one has to hate a race to be racist. Racism is when you base an assumption on someone on their race, which I feel was the case here. I think its impossible to prove how someone felt in a situation. But this case ended in a dangerous manner. Now people may kill others and claim "Self Defense"! And just because one claims it, makes the killing justifiable?

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