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RSS Eldana

Reward Points:75
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1 point

a lot of

download movie on your phone, iPads, e-books.draw different pictures or just simple follow instructions of your teacher, which is the most wonderful way to kill your time in class!

1 point

well they may or may not. the issue is too short need some more explanation. For example, both may be committed to other person and still they are best friends and also its possible that both may be liking each other but may be hesitating to ask out due to fear of loosing friendship.

1 point

There are many proponents who consider stem-cell research as a big opportunity to treat incurable diseases, built new neurons and organs. Every year millions of people suffer and die from the incurable diseases of the brain, heart, liver and kidney, which treatment could become easier with the use of stem cells. According to Wert and Mummery (2003) those cells, which were derived from embryos, have the ability to form cells of adult tissues and could play important role in its recovery and replacement. Therefore, it could be considered as the key to save lives of many serious ill persons and establish control over the development of cancerous tumours, develop efficient treatment of diabetes, infarct, diseases of bones and blood. Likewise, proponents consider stem cells as unique biological resource for restoration of human neural cells, which have no function to regenerate themselves. It could be argued that people would be able to treat the most widespread neurological diseases with the help of stem cells. In addition, during two decades scientists have carried out medical experiments related to transplantation of embryo's neurons that could open long-term treatment for such heath disorders as Parkinson's disease (Master, McLeod & Mendez, 2007). Furthermore, when a person gets older, the processes of natural regeneration of organs slow down and disease can easily influence on them. However, for some proponents it appears that stem cells could be an ideal material for repairing humans' damaged joints and organs. The regenerative potential of stem cells has been considered by scientists for a long time because of their ability to self-renew and specialize themselves to muscle, cartilage and bone recovery (Jorgensen, Noel, Apparailly & Sany, 2001). Taking this evidence into consideration it could be useful especially in sport, which is closely linked to injuries, because stem cells are able to reduce the duration of treatment and may increase its quality. As a result, it is evident that people with the development of stem cells have acquired a powerful tool through which modern medicine can expand capabilities and increase efficiency of treatment of many diseases.

Besides, there are also people who argues that the research of stem cells, which is also supported by some religions, can bring the great impact in investigation of more effective methods of drug trials, decreasing the risk of birth defects and opening ways to rejuvenate organs. Firstly, for many religious people the possibility of using stem cells depends on the answer to a question when a cell becomes a man. For instance, Protestants, Buddhists and Hindus permit the usage of embryos up to 14 days after fertilization; Jews and Muslims allow using human embryo up to 40 days after fertilization (Hug, 2006). Hence, it could be argued that people's faith of these religious movements are not opposed to stem-cell research because they believe that the embryo at an early stage of development is not a man and consider stem cells as important opportunity of human health preservation. Secondly, there are scientists who claim that with the help of stem cells there could be opened new and safer ways to test drugs. Cells of the embryo can be used to test drugs for toxicity before clinical trials on adults (Wert & Mummery, 2003). Therefore, it could reasonably be argued that the use of stem cells for testing medicines could reduce the number of tests conducted on animals. Thirdly, many scientists think that stem-cell research can help effectively observe an embryo on the early stages of development. It could help to identify and investigate birth defects, the causes of miscarriage among young women and the low rate of pregnancy in older women (Wert & Mummery, 2003). Thus, the research of stem cells in vitro could be a more convenient way to study and better understand the reasons of embryo's anomalies on particular level of its development. Fourthly, stem cells can be considered as the way to rejuvenate functional capacity of human organs and maintain muscles in tone. According to Gopinath and Rando (2008) there are special stem cell that are able to replace old muscle cells and have responsibility to form new muscle tissue. It can bring contribution in the recovery of heart muscle after insults and other heart diseases.

1 point

Definitely Chocolate rabbits!

Some words about chocolate and its good sides.

Neuropharmacologists of the Institute of Neurology in San Diego have discovered a substance in chocolate is close in chemical composition in marijuana, to which the body reacts to the elaboration of anadamida, causing a feeling of happiness. This means that chocolate can make you feel better.

Chocolate has caffeine and theobromine - a stimulant, relieves stress and cause elation. Even in chocolate contains a natural 'love drug "- tryptophan. This amino acid, our brain uses to produce serotonin, which causes a feeling of pleasure.

Moreover, when I eat chocolate rabbits it is quite fun for me rather than I eat cream eggs, jelly beans, peanut butter eggs or peeps. When I eat choco rabbits firstly I can nip off head, which shatters into small pieces, then feet and so on! These chocolate crumbs melt in the mouth. How amazing this feeling is!

1 point

The question of whether it is possible to change sexual orientation, is very unique. You can not say that a person can not change sexual orientation, but also wrong to think that anyone can do that.

Haldeman has suggested that, before considering changes in sexual orientation, clinicians and researchers should consider the "complex nature of sexual orientation and its development in the individual» (Haldeman, 1994). I support this statement, and say that before you try to eliminate sexual reorientation as inappropriate, opponents should also answer this question. According to Haldeman, sexual orientation is a poorly defined concept.

In accordance with Frokmorton Uarren - Ph.D., former president of the American Association of Consultants in the field of mental health, “Kinsey suggested that sexual orientation can be described as a continuum from completely homosexual (a score of "6" on the Kinsey) to completely heterosexual (score "0»)”. Gonserek, Sell, and Weinrich advised to consider same-sex and heterosexual orientation separately, not as a change on a single scale (Gonsoriek, Sell and Weinrich, 1995, p. 47). They suggested that each orientation considered as the length.

However, I would like to argue that these scales are not very useful for clinical purposes in order to determine the impact of attempts to change sexual orientation. There are no rules by which clinicians could establish a given sexual orientation. If researchers have doubts about when a person is a gay or has heterosexual orientation. Thus, how can clinicians know if they help clients to change from one orientation to another when they are not able to determine orientation at all.

1 point

Today, when mobile phones are in many families, it is unreasonable to try to exclude them from schools. This issue of course has negative and positive sides.

As for the negative sides, mobile phones can divert pulps' attention. Besides, relying on personal experience I would like to notice that a child will always choose a new melody for the call, then send the SMS to anybody, visit different websites that can consist inappropriate information.

In addition, a mobile in the hands of ten years old child becomes attractive for street robbers. Typically, children are robbed on the streets.

From the other hand, danger is everywhere and people are not able to protect themselves form everything. Therefore, mobile phones prohibition in schools does not solve the problem. If there are no mobile phones, it does not mean that there is no danger for health and life. For example, there are many computers and other devices in schools that also represent great danger for health. Besides, a child can be a victim of robbers not only because of mobile phone that lies in his pocket but also because of that small amount of money that robbers also can rob.

1 point

To my mind it would be probably better for males.

According to Jerry Kennard, mostly, bald are men and small number of women are bald.

Kennard states that there are a number of reasons why men start to go bald, but if you are a man between the ages of about 20 to 45 and you start to lose scalp hair, then the chances are 95 per cent certain that you are experiencing male pattern baldness.

Men often feel stress when they find increasing hair loss and start a useless long struggle with it. However, if bald men would be acceptable among society and stereotypes about bald as a disgusting thing would be destroyed, bald men can feel themselves more confident and stop worry about it.

2 points

This problem of humanity, like smoking, so often discussed in the press and on television, that is no longer actual.

It is necessary to understand why do people smoke in order to answer the question about weakness.

There were did a lot of researches connecting why does people start smoking and continue to do so, studies and reports on them have been made by tobacco companies.

1stly it should be noted that for some people, smoking is a symbolic act of civil disobedience. Everyone, even smokers know that smoking negatively affects their health. When young people want to get the freedom and independence from their parents, smoking a way to say that they are independent adolescents. They want to feel like adults, show others how much they are cool. According to British American Tobacco company people see advertisement where cool guys doing good things. For example the Marlboro Man or Joe Camel. As a result they try to be like them.

2dly. A person can be seemed as successful, happy, yet for some reason he does not perceive himself as happy and successful man. According to Ernest Dichter such person is not happy - hence the desire for self-destruction. This desire is sitting in his subconscious, and the understanding that smoking is harmful, and the desire to quit smoking - it is part of consciousness.

Therefore, it should be argued that people who smoke are not obligatory weak, but they definitely have some psychological problems.

And the last example from my life experience. My father smokes about 20 years and when I ask him why don't you want to stop do this, he answers me that he has nervous job and cigarettes help him to relax. Therefore, from my point of view he is weak because he cannot cope with his problems without external means. Besides, he also tells me that it is very difficult for him to give up smoking. It is a good argument that provokes me think that his willpower is weak.

1 point

I do not care about your opinion

you can write whatever you want

1 point

If you are an atheist, of course everything that was written by me can seem to you ridiculous and I am not going to prove existence of God and credibility of Bible because it is in vain.

I do not have any power to persuade somebody that God exists and he answers people's prayers.

Winning Position: No, I do not believe in ghosts

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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