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RSS ElisabethC

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

I can see where you are coming from, but I disagree with the fact that everyone would be a farmer in a farmers world. I think agriculture would be a big part, but if we had more farms in the U.S. Would that be so bad? Wouldn't it be better to have fresh produce then things imported from all over the world covered in chemicals?

ElisabethC(4) Clarified
2 points

I love how you brought in outside information that I hadn't known. It is obvious you put a lot of thought and effort into making it as great at this is, and even though I think Jefferson is the best fit for America, this made me do a double take. Well done.

1 point

Yes, I like how you brought that up. Both Hamilton and Jefferson had things that were disagreeable. I agree with the fact that Jefferson was just overall a better fit and had a better vision for America. I think he was kind of like America in human form, with a few mistakes.

3 points

Thomas Jefferson was born and raised in riches. Yet, in spite of this, his parents always taught him to stick up for the little guy. The guy who didn't have much, the underdog who the rich overlooked. He especially thought the farmers and planters, the ones who grew the food the rich ate, had wisdom and insights that were often pushed aside. He was the author of the Declaration of Independence, an influential politician, and a voice for the people.

Thomas Jefferson wrote the document that declared independence from Britain. The Declaration of Independence was the paper that was given to King George the Third to tell him the baby bird had left the nest. This was and still is one of the most influential documents in American history, a statement to the people that they are free. Being the main author of this document, Jefferson made sure to make his position clear. He wanted everyone to know that no matter their background, amount of money they had, or social standing could stop them from their very own 'pursuit of happiness.' He believed these words with all his heart, and everyone could see his heart on his sleeve. He was praised for it, but it also made him an outsider to many. His role in declaring America and independent nation can not be rivaled, and his vision for America and it's independence lasts until this very day.

Jefferson was an influential colonial leader and politician. He believed that the people should be in charge of themselves, and he was a leader of the Democratic view. He opposed the thought that the people who were just born into fine families should be the only people given the chance to change the nation. The idea and vision that the people should have the power is still the main government today, and he was the main reason that the idea even exists.

Thomas was always a voice for the common people. He was always side-by-side with the poor, even though as a child he was raised with the rich. He was surrounded by people who thought that money was connected directly with the heart of a person, but he knew and was taught by his parents that that was not true. By having that insight from his parents he was able to connect with more people and get more thoughts from more than just the rich. He was able to be a great president later on because he was able to connect with not just the rich, but also the poor. He was able to benefit all people, and continue to be a voice for everyone.

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