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RSS Eris

Reward Points:1
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2 points

firstly, just like democracy communism is bound to have corruption at some point, both of these governmental systems are good ideas but not the best in practice.

The reason why I support communism is because it supports everyone and lets everyone play an important role in the society, like a cog in a machine rather than another number in the system, another vote simply looked at and then discarded.

Education? FREE. Housing? FREE.

Your life is set out for you and you're able to focus on the more important things without being monopolized or held back by the political parties, you and everyone else have one goal to work towards, a singular goal that generally benefits the country. Unless of course you are in a corrupt society, but that is similar for a democracy. the voters are commonly uneducated about the person they are voting for and choose the wrong person for the country. often someone who is only interested in hiding their dirty secrets or getting more money by altering the laws surrounding the economy. Barely any laws apply to them after all.

How about we stop arguing what is better or worse and just come up with a system that works for almost everyone, a combination of all governments that doesn't just suit the country but the world as a whole. let's stop thinking about politics and start working together regardless of country, race or any other 'limits' our society has caused us to see. We need to work together to survive on this small planet and all this obscures our vision, hindering our chances of innovation and survival.

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