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RSS ExKhan

Reward Points:47
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

You created this debate didn't you, you sick, disgusting mother fucker?

1 point

The direct/indirect body count of the United States exceeds all of those regimes you mentioned combined.

America is a leftist country, so why would we disagree with you? The astonishing part is you think an all powerful government aka the USA is dangerous due to that power, yet you're a Communist, meaning you support powerful government. That switch never goes off in your brain does it there Adolf? You would have handed Hitler power the moment he said he had the answers to all of your problems.

1 point

This is simple.. Musk declared that he was a Republican, and why shouldn't we go after him for that??

Because he's a private corporation. Remember that Genius? What exact act are you going after him for, returning free speech to Twitter? That's the only thing he's done so far.

1 point

White supremacists have always favored Northern Idaho

What's your point, that white Democrats love Idaho? Richard Spencer just loves him some Joe Biden. Was that not your point? Joe-Biden-tweets-hell-libertarian-ideology.html

1 point

It’s one thing to overturn a long-standing opinion that is antediluvian and hugely unpopular with a large majority of the people.

I love how you pretend they did any more than let the states choose their action on abortion.

it’s quite another to overturn a constitutional right

Now the baby has a Constitutional right. I guess you white, nimby liberals can't kill black babies anymore. That probably just kills your soul.

conferred decades before that is only opposed by a fanatical minority. And, I think it'll cost 'em in the mid-terms.

It's sad that you still believe polls and the media despite them admitting they make shit up for clicks when unknowingly being filmed.

1 point

You asked this during his last term. Look, he's not President. It's clear who is ruler for life in America. It's the beurocracy in DC led by a city that votes 97percent Democrat, a media establishment controlled by billionaires, and the corporations that lobby the establishment, AKA China.

2 points

The left bitches for decades about us being slaves to Saudi oil, then when given the Presidency, puts us back to being slaves to Saudi oil when we have oil right here in America.

1 point

Their wording is "it's not based in China." Therefore the claim that it's Chinese is "false". The truth. It's owned by the Chinese through an "American" company that exists in the U.S.

1 point

So here's how that works. The media, controlled by China, deny these companies "are Chinese". Example here:

FACT CHECK: The other investors listed are not based in China. The company DreamWorks Animation and CNBC are owned by the American company NBCUniversal.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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