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RSS Fascist

Reward Points:1
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9 most recent arguments.
0 points

Answering in spite of your petty ad hominems...

Fascism is an Umbrella. National Socialism falls under the umbrella of Fascism, but there are other types of fascism which are not a form of nazism. Nazism is a racialist interpretation of fascism, which I reject.

-1 points

Well I surely haven't stooped down to your level... Lmao, take a loon at your profile and elaborate to me on how non-aggressive and reasonable you are (sike).

Seeing as you have nothing else to say, you proceed to call me a Nazi. Nice joke there. Classical Fascism is not Nazism.

-1 points

Wow, you sure are aggressive. Based on your previous posts, I think it's obvious that you're either a bad troll or someone with severe anger issues...

-2 points
1 point

Gender is biological and nothing more. It has identified society based upom their sex chromosomes. You either have XX or XY chromosomes. Abnormalities exist, but come on... We know your silly LGBT is more than just that.

You are either a male or a female. There are different characteristics applied to both for a reason, it's a cultural interpretation of biology. At the end of the day, masculine men and feminine women will always look more attractive and fulfilled then their predecessors who chose to appear as a gender they aren't... If you disagree, tell me why transgenders are among the ugliest people on Earth without turning into walking plastic.

0 points

Probably because liberalism promoted Protestant teachings which devolved into degenerate liberal Christianity.

-1 points

Religion provides us with a set of morals, is a unifying force in society, becomes a part of culture, and is necessary for social cohesion.

I am going to make this argument based on Christianity...

Christianity provides us with morality and guidance. Irreligion has often led to more degenerate forms of morality. Irreligion has resulted or been tied in with ideas such as eugenics, racialism, hedonism, materialism, LGBTQ+ ideology, sexual liberation, a breakdown of tradition, and so forth.

Christianity gives us a guide and ultimate meaning for life. Irreligious people tend to find life less purposeful m.

Christianity gives us extra motivation for keeping conduct. Irreligion would teach one that there would be no ultimate consequence for getting away with wrong doing, while Christianity classifies it as sin.

Moreover, the Catholic Church has been responsible for preserving education, arts, literature, and various civilizational contributions which came under threat after the collapse of the Roman Empire.

1 point

lol not all fascism is Nazism

0 points

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Fascism. It's a revolutionary ideology providing us with an alternative to late era Capitalism of corporate tyranny, hedonism, materialism, greed, declining social mobility, and so forth. It's also an alternative to the unrealistic nature, economic inefficiency, and blood caused by Communism.

Fascism is the best hope for the survival and continuation of America and the American dream. It recognizes how outdated liberal democracy is, which is fueled by the collapse of morality, education, and religion.

Fascist has not yet created any debates.

About Me

"Some of you may know me as triangle from I identify as a Fascist."

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Religion: Catholic
Education: High School

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