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RSS Frankles

Reward Points:2
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

What's China's political power and what does the us have the makes China better than them.

1 point

China will be the winner for each of these categories.

China's Military-

Military age is 18-24 years of age for selective compulsory military service, with a 2-year service there is no minimum age for voluntary service. atilt 2.3 million are in service for the army and active. there ARE 7 branches of military they are very similar to the us.China's manpower availability has been over 300,000,000 since 1999.

Pol tics- China is a communist country and the population has been increasing so much that the population is 1.343 billion people.China has been successful with all of their exports that they have made 1.90 trillion dollars off them. China has tried influence other countries to become communist.

Econ mics- China's GDP growth rate has a higher percent,and China has grown more than the United States the us only has 1.7 percent while China has 9.28%. The us has four times the debt of China.

2 points

The United States did do the right thing by dropping bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. By dropping the nuclear bomb was the right thing to do, because that the immediately killed citizens and soldiers that caused lives to be potentially saved in the long run by the quick end of the war. But killing citizens wasn't a good thing to do because it was innocent people being harmed.In which case the explosion of two nuclear weapons that ended a war may have prevented the explosion of other nuclear weapons in the last 68 years.

0 points

I support Owen because he several good points like one being that nobody really wants a war. But Kim Jong-un does want a lot of power.

0 points

The USA shouldn't be concerned with North Korea because we have caused several small aggression's with North Korea there hasn't been one yet. Yes if there was a war it would endanger millions of innocent South Koreans.

2 points

The US shouldn't be concerned with North Korea because neither of us want to go to war.The North Korean government's main goal is survival, and direct conflict with the US would seriously hurt the country's encomy even more. President Trump may have threatened North Korea which is usally uncommon for a US president ,but this doesn't mean the US is actively moving to go to war. This has been a problem already before. Over the years, North Korea has regularly made inc threats against the US, Japan and South Korea, several times.

1 point

We should keep the 5.The UN was founded in 1945 and the five SC members were the winners in WWII. Of course, it is in their best interest that they keep their SC seats and their vetoes even though 70 years have passed. While there have been efforts to get other countries on the SC, it does not seem likely that the makeup of the SC will change soon.

Basically the SC members have an interest in keeping their privileges, and have been willing to wield their veto to protect it.

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"I am hungry"

Biographical Information
Name: Francesca Packer
Gender: Girl
Age: 19
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Religion: Catholic

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