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RSS FruitLoop

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1 point

You say that the people of Syria need to fight Assad for their freedom but tell me, do you really think that it will get better by toppling Assad? Unfortunately it will not. You say that Assad is a butcher, that the man is a tyrant and you are correct that he is. But, what you fail to realize are that the rebels are not better. The rebels have also massacred many people. The rebels have also been accused of using chemical weapons. The rebels have crossed those same red lines that Assad crossed. The rebels are right wing jihadists who are using terrorists and right wing Islamist extremists from other countries to help them fight this war.

You say that a Government victory will spell a new period of bloody oppression elsewhere but it will actually do the opposite. A Assad victory will bring stability. If Assad wins it will be an end to the Arab Spring and no one else in the Middle East will try to rebel. Fighting in the area will cease. In other countries where the rebels have one or where dictatorships have fallen to democracies, things are not getting better. Libya, is nothing but rubble and a breeding ground for terrorists( some of which attacked the US embassy there ). When Libya was a dictatorship, they had a booming economy and had stability, not only that but Qaddafi had cracked down on the terrorists as well making them almost non existent. In Afghanistan, the dictatorships of the Soviets and the Northern Alliance were driven away by the Taliban. What happened because of that? Years of oppression by the Taliban and 9/11, THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED!

Assad must win or it will just get worse. The rebels are scum and they must be defeated.

1 point

I will admit, I believe Assad is a dictator and is a terrible person. I know there are no such thing as good guys and bad guys and even though I hate the man with a passion, I want Assad and government forces to crush the rebellion. The rebels are not who they say they are.

The rebels talk of democracy, they talk about how they want rights, but that is not the case. The truth is( and I am not trying to be harsh but it has to be said ) Islam and democracy do not mix. What ends up happening is the rebels start out wanting democracy, but end up becoming radical right wing islamist extremists who are link to terrorist networks. Right now in Syria, many of the rebels are actually armed terrorists.

If the rebels win, they will call themselves a "democracy" but all they will be is a country where the radicals are in full command who have no idea what they are doing and their country will just become worse.

There are many examples that prove this. Afghanistan is first. Rebels push out the soviet government and then several years later BAM!, the Taliban is in charge and we all know how bad they are. Second example is Libya. Rebels in Libya kill their dictator and try to install a democracy. What happens? Right wing Islamist extremists take control of the country and our embassy ends up getting attacked. Third example is Egypt. Everyone wanted a democracy, instead they got the Muslim Brotherhood which didn't do crap. Now the military is in charge again and things over there are looking better.

I cannot emphasize this enough but the Rebels will be worse. If they win, Syria will become a breeding ground for terrorist networks and the country will become a security threat to the rest of the world. And if the rebels get their hands on Assad's chemical weapons, I suggest that everyone in a major city wear a gas mask because it's gonna get a little anthraxy outside.

As you can see if the rebels win, it will just get worse than it is already. Even though the Assad family are horrible people, they can do something that almost no other government in the middle east can do... and that is provide stability. If Assad and the government win, It will end up being a win for everyone.

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