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Reward Points:11
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I actually liked Miley Cyrus... When she was on Disney. I stopped checking out content related to her when she left and do you think I'd be loving her now? No. Do you think I should be hating her now? No. I've got other things to check out on TV... Well actually, I've got a lot of things to check out on the Internet.

Also, I did like some of Miley's Songs... Mostly those before the Wrecking Ball came and then many things about her got destroyed afterwards.

1 point

Speaking of Violent Cartoons... It's been that way for a long while, unless you're saying Tom & Jerry is totally not violent even though it shows the cat & mouse hurting each other with explosives, firearms, and traps (that backfire a lot).

If you worry about kids doing what's in those violent cartoons, you'd mostly have to worry about those youngsters which don't know what's appropriate and what isn't. If a kid sees something they shouldn't be seeing, as long as they know that "it's something they shouldn't be seeing", they should be fine although the times we should stop kids from watching the stuff that's not for their age (like things with sexual content in it). That's probably one of the only times we stop them before they watch it.

1 point

Rerun the shows? YES

Continue them? Nah... Might ruin it. Some shows could use a continuation but we're not in the 2000s now. Whatever might happen in those continuations could be unpredictable and/or even drastic.

1 point

I wish the current generation of Nickelodeon was as good as the generation of Nickelodeon we grew up with. Too bad the torch was left behind behind with the old generation. I'm not saying for the shows we loved back then to be back or anything but I just want the shows now to be as good as those before. Basically, I don't want the content we grew up with to come to this generation, just their greatness is enough.

1 point

Both Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network have gone downhill. I admit that I love both of them but I think they're not in their prime anymore. I think Nickelodeon is somewhat trying to recover (even if the progress they make is little or makes no difference) while Cartoon Network... Idk. I think 3 Words can describe where they're standing: "Teen Titans Go". They did have very good shows but many of them have ended or are on the verge of ending.

1 point

It's not really a matter of "Is Technology good or bad?". It's more like "Are the people who are using Technology good or bad?". Technology is good but not when you use it in a bad way (like say Hacking into someone's bank account and stealing their money).

1 point

So you guys want to put "Command: Kill all Humans" or "Deadlier AI" into a Robot's Programming? Because that's the only time I see Robots being bad. Also when you use them in a bad way or over-rely on them.

If those don't happen when Robots are around, let's have them stay. Like our Cellphones & Computers, they're just tools to finish jobs quicker. Besides, in the past, inventions made work faster. The more inventions there are (or the more improvements inventions have), the faster work will be.

All we have to do is be careful and we'll be fine.

1 point

I'm pretty sure "computers making books obselete" is not the case. I think it's "Books are going into Computers".

1 point

Phones have their uses & benefits. They should be allowed in School but they shouldn't be allowed to be used during times when the Teachers are teaching (unless the Teacher says it's okay or you're taking a photo of the Notes or the Homework you have to do or something).

1 point

I actually don't mind both (even though I watch Cartoons a lot more than Anime). In my opinion, it's not about Anime being better than Cartoons or Cartoons being better than Anime.

It just depends on the show itself (regardless of it being an Anime, Cartoon, both, or neither). If that show is good, it's good. If the show is bad, then it's bad. Both have very good ones but also very bad ones.

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