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Reward Points:17
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

How the fuck can something that makes you love people who can't give birth be genetic.

1 point

Marriage is legally defined as a contract of love between a man and a woman. If you relieve it of that definition, people could marry anyone.

1 point

Most cultures consider their God/s to be personal agents, endowed with free will.

0 points

Obviously, God exists. The proof is all around us. Everything is designed that intelligent life may exist. This points to an intelligent source of the Universe.

1 point

If God does not exist the universe could not have been created from nothing.

2 points

The paradoxes claimed by atheists concerning omnipotence involve setting one feature of God against another feature of God. This cannot happen, as all Gods are believed to be sovereign over the universe or over certain elements of the universe by different faiths.

The omnipotence paradox is logically invalid.

1 point

Atheists like the OP believe there is no God without evidence.

1 point

So what are we saying morals are fictitious now?

And why are you lower-casing "Jesus"?

1 point

Hitchen's razor can be applied to the physical world. We don't have evidence for the outside world beyond our own small part of it. I choose to deny most of our world exists because I have no evidence.

0 points

Evolution should not be taught in the science class. There is simply no mechanism which has been shown to increase information in the genome.

This makes evolution unscientific.

Winning Position: Do you believe in evolution (like Hitler) or Intelligent Design (like Pope Francis I)?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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